Ants! After a recent spell of very warm weather several ant hills have popped up in the yard near the house and yesterday there were ants in the dogs food bowl inside the house. Any suggestions? I have tried diatomaceous earth and they seemed to think this was humorous. I would prefer something not harmful to pets.
"YUCK" 2
by Gregor 10 Replies latest jw friends
Scatter orange peels where they're coming in.
Even better, Orange Guard which is distilled from citrus peels, 100% natural and safe for pets.
~Sue -
The Humper
one word
you think im kidding but it works. just pour some on there, wait like 10 mins then pour some more wait again and pour again, then light it on fire. it works trust me. i did this in my backyard and it worked. though the grass did kind of die around the ant hill because of the gas but hey it better then getting bitten by all the ants. and the grass grew back in a short amount of time.
When we lived in the tropics, mom would put some sugar in a smaller bowl inside a larger bowl full of water. Drown 'em.
Back here in Alberta, she'd boil a kettle of water and pour it down the ant hills. Boil 'em.
Feed your pet and then remove the bowl.
You didn't mention the type of ant. If it's the tiny one's, they also are attracted to water and your coffee maker will be the next target. Store bought ant spray will work. Keep pets away from it until it dries. They will dissappear in a few days.
If it's the bigger ant (carpenter ants) then you have a bigger problem. Both can be solved using an exterminater and you will only have to worry about your pet for about the first three hours of application.
diatomaceous earth
I don't recommend using this. I work with it and I wear a dust mask because it is a respiratory irratant. -
Vernon Williams
These suggestions seem like scenes from "The Ant Bully."
Just smash at a time.
Should we start a "yuck" series on the jwd? I'd do a "Yuck 3", but im fresh out of critter stories right now!
(both the gas and boiling water i hear work)
I have tried the boiling water since receiving the suggestion this am. So far so good. But there is something about the gasoline method that appeals to me. I think I will try it on another colony and make comparisons.
This is not something we have in England apparently your house could come to swarm with ants if you don't control them. Over here if we get some we spray with inseticide you can buy at the local shops. It's not hot enough for them to multiply to annoying numbers.