Have a question for you guys.....

by lavendar 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I can appreciate your dilemma lavendar.

    Did you raise him to be a JW? Did he have a "hard" childhood because of growing up in it?

    I'll wait for your answer as I have something perhaps for you to think about that a friend who is a fader mentioned to me. It hit home with me after what we put our 4 kids through.


  • blondie

    The JWs/WTS do not practice required giving/tithing. I'm not saying they might pressure him through guilt-associated "suggestions."

    Otherwise, you can go and never give a dime and most will never know.


  • magoo

    ...........lavender...i'm with your husband. why help the wts...they already have plenty freely given to them by followers.

    but........if you are leaving money to your kids, as an inheritence, gift or whatever...does a parent have the right to say how it is spent? if you are giving because you love your children & obviously you do, wouldn't their happiness be your most important goal?

    ..............just a thought.......


  • restrangled

    Absolutely not! Just in case someone is starting to feel the need to give, remember they are paying off large sums to sexual abuse victims and are in the process of selling off several properties worth Millions in Brooklyn that they scooped up at very low prices.

    Keep the money in your family!


  • lavendar

    Juni - no, our family has never been involved with the WTS. We've never had any relatives that were witnesses....nor had any friends that were. Our son was brought up in a Christian home. He met this gal (who at the time wasn't baptised yet), they fell in love and married. She became a JW shortly after their marriage. Now, our son is being sucked into the cult.

    Would be interested to hear what you have to share regarding your 4 kids.....

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    My idea

    Make them sit and research, and study the JW's, hiring somebody like Blondie, for lets say 50 hours. Do 50 hours in the preaching work, within his own and surrounding congragations, telling them the falsehoods he has learned. After completing the mandatory courses, he would have to hand write a check, for a donation to Silent Lambs of 25%, and be required to have no association with any JW, for a period of 2 yrs.

  • Mum

    Hi, lav.

    If I were in your position, I would try to include my JW son in the will. However, I would stipulate that the money must be spent for education for him or his descendants, for treatment for illness not covered by insurance, or other items that would benefit him and his family. You would need a trustee or someone to ensure that your wishes were carried out. I say this because I think it is the right thing to do. A secondary reason is to prevent him from feeling "persecuted."

    Best wishes,


  • nvrgnbk
    However, I would stipulate that the money must be spent for education for him or his descendants

    I really love this suggestion. Seems balanced. Win-win-win.

  • juni

    Magoo said:

    if you are leaving money to your kids, as an inheritence, gift or whatever...does a parent have the right to say how it is spent? if you are giving because you love your children & obviously you do, wouldn't their happiness be your most important goal?

    I would have to agree w/Mr. Magoo here.

    About my 4 kids who are all adults now w/families of their own. They were raised in the religion all the while they were living at home. The hell they were put through because of the politics at the Hall and the treatment they received cause Dad who was a MS was very outspoken w/the BOEs and therefore they received different and more scrutinized treatment then other kids, the blame, the backstabbing, other kids turning on them cause they didn't pioneer and add to those facts they had no enjoyment w/ parties, friends (only witness kids who were little snitches if it benefitted them), sports at school, etcetera, etc. THEY DID NOT HAVE A NORMAL CHILDHOOD. Not yelling; just emphasizing.

    Okay after that being said....... they deserve to get equal inheritance from us their parents. How they choose to spend the money is their choice. We love them all.

    That is how it is written up in our will.

    That's just my opinion lavendar. This is something for you and your husband to decide.


  • lavendar
    However, I would stipulate that the money must be spent for education for him or his descendants, for treatment for illness not covered by insurance, or other items that would benefit him and his family. You would need a trustee or someone to ensure that your wishes were carried out.

    Mum - how could this be carried out, though? Whose to say he wouldn't just spend it on anything he wanted? I'm afraid I'm not real knowledgeable about legal matters.

    Juni - yes, that's how I feel too. All three of our children deserve an equal inheritance, and I feel it would be awfully mean to cut one off. But at the same time, I DO NOT want the WTS to get ANYTHING.

    We will look into a stipulation clause when we meet with an attorney. Perhaps (s)he can help us with a solution to this problem.

    Thanks all!!

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