State of My Faith

by Amazing 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Amazing, I enjoyed your commentary.

    It looks to me as if the last vestige of religion you are holding on to is the word FAITH. I wonder why? What on earth or in heaven could be positive about that word?

    The bible- a confusing and life reducing book, taken in the context that most of us took it in. The word faith- a confusing and life reducing word, taken in just about any context, at least as it pertains to spirituality. What a cruel joke it would be for a God to give humans brains and then ask them to set them aside. Seems like walking on water would be so much easier and more direct.

    We all assume we need faith, we thrive the more faith we have. But I see no evidence of that.

    Some of what you said reminded me of a statement I made a while back: whenever any one starts a sentence with the word "god", there is about a 95% chance they are about to lie to you, or at least they are about to speak authoritatively about something for which they have zero evidence.

  • Grout

    Even perhaps before reading "The Selfish Gene", read "Non-Zero: The Logic of Human Destiny" and "The Moral Animal" by Robert Wright. The field of evolutionary psychology is fascinating and enlightening. Those two books by Wright brought me more joy and insight than all my decades of JW indoctrination.

  • Undecided

    Hi Amazing,

    You about described my state of faith or lack thereof. When I see how complex the life we see in nature is, and how there are so many flaws, it makes me wonder if a perfect God really created it, and yet I can't dismiss the idea that there is a Creator somewhere out there. It's driving me crazy. I want to know God and he won't let himself be found by me. When I see all those who claim to know him and see their behavior it belies their claim.

    I've about used up my life at almost 66, I hope that when I die there is something out there, but it's just a hope to hang on to. I haven't heard of anyone who has any evidence of having God communicate with them, except in their own mind, or some ancient book. May you find peace in your search.

    Ken P.

  • Outaservice

    Amazing, my friend,

    Luke 18:8 (THE LIVING BIBLE) "But the question is: When I, the Messiah, returns, how many will I find who have 'faith' (and are praying)?"

    I think the experience each of us has had in the WT has a tendency to destroy 'faith' and it is difficult to find answers to the many questions that keep coming up. I certainly do not have all the answers but something that has help me with a lot of the 'sticky' questions can be found in the book entitled DOES GOD BELIEVE IN ATHIESTS? I am not through reading it yet, but what I've looked at seems to help.

    I certainly can understand how some struggle with faith, and I don't condemn such ones as it is very hard to actually prove God exists and equally hard to prove he dosen't.

    Thanks for your 'Post' Amazing.


  • Grout

    We're wired genetically to seek out and profit from cooperative relationships with other living creatures. So when we look at the Universe, we instinctively look for a Creator with whom we can build a cooperative relationship.

    Note carefully, however, that our natural desire to find a Creator is in no way tied to his actual existence. Our natural instincts and intuition are smart about some things, but they suck at cosmology.

  • Amazing

    Hi Grout: I have read material on Talk Origins many times. My friend, Alan F, who also posts here, put me onto it over a year or so ago. Thanks for the reminder.

    I have a strong background in science, spending many years in research and test engineering. Given that and my more recent studies of evolution, DNA, the Genome project, etc. I am likewise convinced of the place that evolution plays in our existence. It poses no problem for me in believing that God would use such a process in his creative design.

    So, I am not so much struggling with whether God exist, but what my relationship with him ought to be, or could be. Although, the idea that God does not exist does not scare me anymore. Factual knowledge and assurance of that, one way or the other would change some things in the way I look at life, but not the way I live.

    You have raised some other good points that I think I will build on in some new postings. I enjoy what you have to say, and appreciate your comments. Thanks. - Amazing

  • Commie Chris
    Commie Chris

    Thanks for your post Amazing. I have often had the same thoughts but I have never expressed them as eloqently as you have in your post. I have often read your posts on this Board and, although I have often disagreed with you (particularly your political posts), I really appreciate your honest, forthright and succinct style of writing. I also like your pattern of sharing your thought processes with us as you develop your message. Fascinating and appreciated.

    - Chris

  • Introspection

    If it is true that a faculty higher than thought or the mind is required to understand such things, as many claim, then we cannot get to it using the mind.

    Just as it is useful to still yourself physically to think, it makes sense to me that you still the mind to meditate. Even if you don't believe there is anything beyond what we call the mind, as it is known to cultivate mental discipline there is one reason to engage in the practice. This way, if you come across something more it is just a nice added bonus.

    I like the idea of "don't know mind" in Zen, I think it is very useful. In a way, humility works into that as well. How do you know you really don't know? Maybe you don't, maybe you do...

  • Scorpion


    I enjoy your mind digging thoughts. It seems the more we think we know, the more there is to know. I at times get so tired of trying to figure things out that I get to where I no longer care. Living each day and trying to survive zaps enough energy from us. My mother who was in the WT for over 35 years was Disfellowshipped for apostasy in 1989. Her faith in God has dwindled to almost nothing. She still does pray on occasions, but has drawn almost the exact conclusions you have about whether God is listening and why he does not answer and act to prayers of not only her, but others.


    So Amazing, are you any closer to the other answers you were/are seeking?

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