It's June 3rd, my Mum's 66th birthday had she still been alive...
She passed away in 94 from cancer of the blood, she was diagnosed 3 weeks before. She'd been experiencing severe pain in her legs and hips for months before hand. But between taking care of her mother and the dub duties she couldn't get to see a doctor. She didn't really take the pains seriously either. By the time she did, her kidneys had completely failed and her liver was serverly damaged also.
I was very close to her, she wasn't what you would call a devout dub, loyal in a sense she attended the meetings, went witnessing, we studied etc but not over the top like a lot of the other congregation sisters where. We were outcasts as far as the congregation was concerned. When she was admitted into hospital the local elders didn't even notify the HLC of her situation as they didn't think her situation was serious enough. Kidney failure and being airlifted 300km to a hospital in the states capital as an emergency patient, but not serious.
I have so many questions I wish I could ask her. Why did you leave my father? Why did you return to the WTS? Why did you stay?
Anyway, happy birthday mom. Miss you, love you