Is there a big "push" going on right now?

by robhic 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • robhic

    A couple of JWs just left my door. They started out by trying to give me an invitation to an upcoming convention.

    I politely declined and said it was difficult and that I didn't get out much, anyway. We didn't spend much time talking but I almost felt sorry for the poor man (it was a husband & wife) because he really, really wanted to give away some literature! Any literature -- but I wasn't taking it.

    The odd thing is that they were just here a couple of months ago (right before the memorial to invite me to that...) and again today. The last visit was the first time in around 3-4 years they stopped and that one was 3-4 years from the time before. And now they've been out twice in around 3 months? This is unusual.

    So after I declined a RV about 5 times (!!!) they walked away. But why, all of a sudden, are they coming so often?

    Is there some big "push" to get out more? Anybody have this same thing happen recently? Any ideas?

    Thanks for any thoughts. I'm just mostly curious. And I never know how to open our conversations.



    There has always been a big push..It`s always urgent..The memorial,an assembly,a special talk.....Lets not forget the last big news:"The End Of False Religion Is Near!"..That really changed how the world works now!.....LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • blondie

    JWs have been putting in less time and phantom hours; our influence, hard to say.

    So the tract campaigns are simple and quick ways to keep the rank and file listed as "active" on their records, 1 hr/month is all it takes.

    BTW how far away was the convention site from you.

    Imagine inviting someone to go 300 miles to hear the public talk or even see the drama now around 1 pm on Sunday.s


  • JH
    Imagine inviting someone to go 300 miles

    Maybe they're looking for new people to share the high cost of gas.

  • cyberguy

    From a JW perspective, how much literature you place determines how successful you are in the ministry. In some cases it can indicate how spiritual you are! Yes, they’ve been stepping up the tract-work, inviting everyone in their territory to the District Conventions this summer. And like Blondie said, it’s relatively easy to get the "publishers" out in the door-to-door activities when you’re only required to leave a tract. However, I suspect the real aim isn’t to get non-JW’s to attend the summer conventions, but it’s is a way for the directors in Brooklyn to control the "flock" as part of the overall mental conditioning process.

  • nvrgnbk

    Is there some big "push" to get out more? Anybody have this same thing happen recently? Any ideas?

    Perhaps this is unequivocal proof that Armageddon is nigh?

  • 5go

    yep, there is I noticed an elder say "what another tract for the DC"

  • WTWizard

    There's always a big push going on in that religion. But yes, there has been even more of a push. That started about this time last year with "Our Deliverance is At Hand" (yea, right--not with the plans they have for the Kool-Aid edition of the Craptower starting in 2008). Then they had that false religion tract that effectively proved that the Watchtower Society is not the truth, and did little else. The Crapmorial invitations were next, then this.

    I think what they really want is to push all their members, including near-publishers, irregulars, and soft inactives to get out there and place something that will not scare them off. This is to get their membership on the 2007 report up above the 7 million mark. They know that they are running out of time to crest another million, and if they do not get 7 million this year, the balloon could come due in the 2008 service year when the Kool-Aid edition of the Watchtower scares them all away. So they are doing all they can to boost the membership on that almighty service report to crest 7 million, and thus giving them the illusion of still being a healthy organization. I hope the balloon comes due for them early, and they fail to even show any gain at all--especially when people start saying "*&$^ it, we need to get work done elsewhere and they are not letting us."

  • icyestrm

    I noticed that recent KMs have a push for pioneering. They want the drones in the borg to do more in the field service, increasing their hours. Grooming those that don't know any better to come into this cult. The distribution of district convention tracts is a big waste of paper. Nobody is going to waste their gas and drive for 2 hours to get there. I doubt that there be any increases anymore because the net is the worst enemy of the FDS/GB.

  • looking_glass

    I wondered that as well because normally we just have one crazy doing street work at the corner of State and Lake in Chicago. But this past week, there have been several others doing "street work" as well. Standing on the corner of Clark and Wacker and some even walking down Kinzie and LaSalle. Other then Bro. Streetwork, I never see this many JWs trying to peddle their wares and I have been in the city for over 10 years now.

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