One is taken from the LiveForever book, the other from Stern magazine, but which one come first?
Stolen Watchtower art
by needproof 39 Replies latest jw friends
The one from Stern magazine appears to be a photograph. I guess that means the WTS is the plagiarist (once again).
Of course they steal it.
Every good JW knows that creativity and true artistic expression are traits of this dying Satanic system of things.
drew sagan
I've seen a number of things like this. To me it is a testimony to how half assed their production of their books are.
It just beggers belief.
Notice they left out even the very slight hint of cleavage?
She is pretty hot...
Bunch o hacks!
In the WT version, the young woman's cleavage is concealed, straps have been added to her swimsuit, the back of her hair is somehow different, and there is another person and more background scenery. Is this a way to avoid copyright infringement lawsuits?
Of course, the folks who post here have more influence than they realize. I feel certain that Blondie's online WT studies have prompted or played a major role in their decision to have "insider" study articles.
This web page has 3 more examples of probable art plagiarism by the WT Society.
And there was this Johnny Walker ad that the WTS "borrowed", resulting in an out-of-court settlement.