This Post Will Offend Current JWs: Annie Lennox should be avoided

by mtsgrad 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • monophonic

    this topic reminded me. i was on the phone a few nights ago with an old friend and she wanted to take her son to the mall and invited a girl his age to go with them.

    the mother freaked out and didn't want to 'encourage' the kids to be together.

    my friend told me about how she explained it was innocent, etc., they were 14.

    anyway, psycho mom is definitely setting her daughter up to be the KHJW slut w/ that attitude. and it felt so good to hear b/c that part of my life is so far from me.

    i remember having a vespa w/ The Birthday Party sticker on it, nick cave's original band.

    i got crap for that b/c it advocated pagan birthday parties.

    i got pulled into the elder's room b/c someone witnessed me wearing a t-shirt with a man smoking a cigarette on was a nick cave shirt and the cigarette was small.

    the counsellings re: my hair, my sideburns, djing and playing possibly satanic music, going to concerts where worldly people are....all the running commentary on every aspect of my life and everything i cared about, music, film, writing.

    fortunately, the books i was reading, literary fiction, wasn't a factor since most jws are pretty illiterate when it comes to reading for fun.

    then i was writing for a film webzine and they couldn't shut the hell up about every movie i was reviewing, questioning if they were films a christian should see. since it was film festival coverage, none of the films had MPAA ratings yet, which most people don't realize is a lobbying process in one film rated-r could be someone in the MPAA having a beef with a studio exec, etc. the idiocy of the WTBTS buying into the rating system of the united states which is completely flawed is pathetic.

    when i started getting flack for my film writing, i lost it...had enough, was completely done and started a literary webzine and wrote violent erotic stories. i wrote those as a big FU to the years and years of constant speculation on how christian i wasn't being. they finally cracked the nut. my sponge was over saturated and i was fed up.

    anyway, even writing those stories was giving into being influenced by 'them'...and it's been years since i even thought about it and my craft of writing has been tamed down and explores more subtle themes. but when my old friend brought up her experience, i had to laugh at myself b/c it's just a world that i don't even know anymore. the world where i went to see the thrill kill kult and had an instant elders meeting a week later, while they wouldn't even talk to me about the other tragedies in my life b/c it had nothing to do with keeping the congregation "clean".

    oh, a friend of mine in a band got written up in a newspaper, and he said, 'god bless america' in a joking manner for beers and women. he got the running commentary on how horrible that was to say.

    i said, he should've asked if she read my article on the church of satan presenting black christmas in the same newspaper.

    we had a laugh.

    it's sooo nice to be beyond this.

    btw, i was talking to an ex-jw tonite at a bar and he said that prince wasn't a wit anymore. i haven't heard anything on that and i remember recently hearing he's taking time off to study the bible with the wits or something. anyone hear about this?

    if marilyn manson ever became a witness, no if nick cave became a witness, i'd die. he used to have a fanzine that was designed like the watchtower and said 'announcing nick caves...." somethign or other. they go for way too much money on ebay now, i should've bought them when they were $6.

  • BluesBrother

    Rumour ,and opportunities to "tell off",the others are rife in a controlled and fearful society such as the dubs. I was an elder and I used to spend my time downplaying this kind of stuff. I always loved rock music. I once had to arrange a family weekend visit so as to get out of conducting a Watchtower Study that slated rock music..

    The only songs that spring to mind are "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" (LSD) and that was semi official, and Sympathy With The Devil by The Stones ...but it did not stop me owning both recordings..

    I put it down to the fact that the rest of the Org. had not yet caught up with my free conscience on the matter - but they would one day..I know lots of dubs who find ways to justify what they do, listen to, or watch in private..Human nature dictates that you only find fault with what you do not like....

  • Gill

    I understand from too many years sat in a KH that 'the Devil has all the best songs!' That's why, when its Christmas we ALL get those Christmas jingles stuck in our heads and this forms a quantum gateway for demon entry!!!

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Blaaaaaaack Saaaabaaaath!.and yet they still rock!.along with Led Zeppelin, and Iron maiden........sheesh...I'm bad associations for myself.

  • jeanV
  • observador

    Oh my gosh, I'm a fan of Anne Lenox. I love "No More 'I love you's".

  • WTWizard

    This is my attitude toward music: If it's "bad", I am going to play it anyways. I don't give a $@ if it is blatantly obscene, there are gunshots throughout the songs, the song blatantly glorifies selling and using drugs, openly glorifies Satan, or is full of swearing and other foul language and racial slurs. I play it anyway.

    True, they have a beef against Michael Jackson. That's why I own every single one of his solo studio CDs purchased after I was baptized. I also went out and bought Janet Jackson's CDs after finding out that she, too, is disfellowshipped. I also have Ja Rule and Xzibit's CDs for the same reason. That's what they get for complaining about the Led Zeppelin (of which I own the popular 4-disc boxed set) and so much of the classic rock. And yes, I have Annie Lennox's CD with that song No More I Love Yous. If I'm not mistaken, it also has the song Walking On Broken Glass on it. I also have the Eurythmics album Sweet Dreams are Made Of This and their greatest hits CD.

    One reason I think they banned this artist: They do not like women with short hair. This is the flip of men with long hair, which was so popular among rockers during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.

  • ninja

    my father in law wanted to play "love me like a reptile" by motorhead at their wedding......but "Godzilla" my mother in law took offence for some reason......muhahahahaha....p.s sorry godzilla if you're reading this....(for comparing you to my MIL)

  • bronzefist

    Oh my GOD!!!! Oh my God!!!! She does has an album called................................Bare.

    Bare One of my one tells me what I can or cannot listen to.


  • dawg

    I love satan, he's got to be the greatest antagonist of all time.... we all should have sympathy for the devil. hell, he had to put up with an asshole like God for all those years-no wonder satan got the hell away from that madman. An enity that says forgive severnty times seventy, then kill his own children at harmageddon is no kind of a father to me. Who could have made good children but made a murdering mass of fools instead; who gave us this life full of pain when he could have rescued us when Christ died. A man who contunues to make us suffer long after Jesus cleared his bet with the angels still we need to see how bad the world can get? Please! Satan just wanted us to have knowledge of good and evil; god wants us to suffer; god didn't want us to have knowledge of good and evil cause if we did, we'd know what an ass he was-we'd know evil personified if we looked at this personality. No wonder Satan went against God, a manical madman control freak, constantly looking into our private affairs to see how much fornication we're committing. I say, lets hang with the demons and satan for a while, they're having a much better party than the boring angels and God with all their piety. And as for music, give me some Pink Ployd and Led Zepplin anyday... I bet Jesus could have never written the rain song boring pious man that he was.

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