Mincan the spy...

by Mincan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mincan

    Well, dang, if it's going to suck that bad, maybe I won't go. I know there is going to be a summary of the WT study article for this week, since their Sunday meeting was cancelled. But dang! I don't want to sit through boring stuff. I don't even really remember the last one I went to, it was in 2004 or earlier.

    Is that all it is Blondie? I thought there would be like secret important information for members only...

    *disappointed smily here* - They aren't leaving for another hour and a half, maybe I should say I changed my mind?...

  • blondie

    The last time they had secret info was in October 2000 at the annual meeting in the US. Most JWs probably still don't grasp the "change."

    Nothing stays secret long.





  • Hermano
    My mother did say though later on yesterday night "I don't know if you're allowed to go." I said "why not?" innocently. She said "I don't know if you're talking to witness haters on the internet or not." I just laughed out "noooo." and laughed some more, like it was crazy talk. Then she started to cry

    That type of behavior pisses me of cause they know not everyone will choose to "serve Jehovah." Not everyone listened to Jesus while he carried out his ministry. The Bible itself says many are called but the chosen are few. But they cannot seem to accept that one of their loved ones is not of their kind. It's like the ones that will reject Jehovah are always the ones they don't know/care about.

  • Mincan

    Whole freakin thing based on Psalm 84.

    Song 93 introduced it.

    Two brothers from Bethel. Malohan and Mulchin.

    WT Summary first (April 15,2007 WT). I noticed right off the bat my step-dad zoned out and started checking out the hot sisters.

    Oh crap, sheparding calls encouraged with more frequency! Expect more intrusions.

    Basic education plus a trade is being fed to the "young men".

    Apparently Acts 15:1-3 proves there was a governing body in the first century Jewish sect called Christians. Acts 16:4,5 proves that the GB is right. They were sent forth with decrees or some such garbage, and this resulted in the sect growing in Roman times. ... Jehovah made this structure. Titus 1 is the qualifications for elders. This is proof of standards, proof of structure.

    This structure is not limited to only people. Matthew 18:15-17 asked wrongdoers to "speak to the congregation" this obviously can't mean just what it says, it obviously means to talk to the elders in our congregations. Que obscure bible scholar in a footnote that agrees with this interpretation.

    The role of elders is to be leaders and shepards. and.... sometimes ... DUN DUN DAAA Judges!!!

    Sep 1, 1990 WT articles for young men seeking to become elders. Goes through each qualification. This group called "young men" have been singled out all session, must be short on them or something...

    Speaker had to look up the word "stick" in the dictionary then used the example of a label on a jar... using heat to take it off. Likens trials to heat on our stickiness. These include: Somethings in the congregation not being dealt with (At all), and change in doctrine we cannot understand OR accept. (these are actual quotes.)

    Jehovah and Jesus continued to use the governing body after the first century (no proof or references)

    "Ever heard of a sheep that can survive without a guide or shepard?" "No, because it would die" Er, yeah, it would learn to think for itself morons...

    Col 2:6,7 says "Walk in union with JESUS", they somehow make this mean follow the GB.

    Eph 8:3 "Good news of JESUS" How do we learn it? through the GB of course!

    "It is unmistakeable Christian cong be all end all of spirituality." What do we have to do? Be not only in congregation, be in the middle of it! Be active! Build other's up! Speaker says he wasn't raised in a christian household, so he surely needs it!


    Question: "How do we view the privilege of our special relationship with Jehovah?"

    Analysis of Psalm 84.

    Sons of Korah not like their forefather... duh. They were of the tribe of Levi. Majority did not live in Jerusalem. 48 Different cities in Israel where they resided. They would come to Jerusalem to serve 1 week every six months. Levites loved the temple/tabernacle. They yearn for the courtyards of Jah. Had trials to get there. Had to walk! No autos! No A/C! no music system! (actual quotes) All in order to serve GB... I mean Jehovah.

    The field was inhospitable. Head to cut wood for the sacrifice! Without chain-saws! Imagine that... Wells were deep, maybe 80 feet! Had to draw water by hand! OMGZ...

    Levites then after their hard work need to move to the side and allow the priests to do the actual sacrificing. And they were the ones that travelled so far! Had to do all that work to get the sacrifice ready! And they were happy just to participate. We today should be happy with whatever jobs we are given or have to do.

    I noticed at one point the speaker said "positions" then quickly corrected himself to say "assignments".

    We should be happy working the nasty territory, cleaning the KH toilets, and looking after the elderly. Be happy serving Jehovah in general, not the actual job.

    Col 3:23, 24 - Whatever you are doing, lie back, close your eyes, and think of Jehovah. (to change Victoria's quote ;)

    One doesn't need to be prominent to be faithful - The lesson apparently.

    Example of Gideon 300 vs 135,000. Lesson: (thank you!) We don't know who the 300 were, but Jehobo knows, We don't need to be prominent!

    (On the one hand, they tell the young brothers all day to reach out and be seen in the organisation, then right after say don't be prominent.)

    Hugo Reamer (annointed): Born 1880, 1918 in bethel. Died 1965. Was prominent (?) overseer of purchasing department and was Treasurer. "WAS PART OF WHAT WE KNOW TODAY AS THE GB!! (actual quote! are they admitting it didn't exist till 70s?) Fred Franz was #1 to sit AT THE HEAD of the morning breakfast table. But this dude was #3 if two other dudes weren't present, he could fill in! (HYPOCRISY!)

    When the babylon the great has fallen book came out, he took a week off and studied it.

    Cornelius Lester: Norweigan Merchant Marine. at bethel from 1931-1988. Not "prominent" Head of maintainance department. Changed lightbulbs and painted. Brothers say has never been as clean since (audience laugh track here) Babylon the great has fallen book is released, he also took a week off and studied it.

    Where are they both now? With Christ! WE DONT NEED TO BE PROMINENT!!!!

    Satan is trying to distract us, and put pressure on us. (came out of no where) but we must put FULL TRUST in JEHOVAH'S ORGANISATION!!!

    Applaud deafening. By the way, this thing was packed! Capacity of building 5000, attendance 5,209! Peeps were standing in the halls.


    Sorry but I really just zoned out for this one, after the song from the last talk, I took my notebook and just walked around, hoping for some adventure. I wanted to meet people from my hall that wouldn't know I was not going to meetings but would know if they saw me there now, with my parents. Was hoping to see my [removed] [removed] [removed] ex-boss. Every weekend I go by his house I throw garbage on his yard, soon I'm going to deficate on his deck. Didn't see anyone but a spiritually weak couple who looked surprised to see me from a distance, I just ignored them and walked past without looking at them.

    Anyway, I caught bits and pieces in the hall.

    -Education is expensive! (imagine that!)
    -Related various prices of different levels of "so-called" higher education.
    -Education doesn't assume a happy life.
    -People that graduate don't get work in their fields.
    -Burger flipper may be a Ph.D
    -Jehovah is the greatest educator of all (there's even a scripture that calls him that!)
    -Jehovah wants us to have a different education from the world
    -The world's education is limited
    -Promotes "worldly wisdom"
    -Paul says it puffs one up
    -Makes you want to do things your own way.
    -Doesn't teach godly way of living doesn't treat morals
    -"People that believe in Evolution don't believe God teaches people how to live" DUH
    - Godly wisdom is FAR SUPERIOR (just like dubs!)

    Then he related that God gave his law through the penisheads...I mean Patriarchs. (is penis censored here?)

    Then I just went on a hunt for a freakin vending machine they DIDNT unplug and found one just before the talk ended, thank God, I need some worldly advertised product in my hand to look at and forget the "happy people BS image". I got some REESE SATAN CUPS AND "NIPPLES" I MEAN SKITTLES.

    OH OH OH!! In my travels round and round the auditorium I found a 55 gallon Drum with the Watchtower Logo on it full of straw Brooms! I wanted so much to take a picture of IT!!! HAHAHA. It is sure a model of all that is WT. Getting people to do crap jobs in the name of GOD.

    Yeah I was disappointed and thought I would learn something new (obviously everything I just said here is regurgitated birdfeed for you and I) and I don't think I'm ever going to go to anything again. I was thinking of the convention... but ... NO.

  • Sparkplug
    Then she started to cry (I suppose at the thought that I'm an apostate and she deep down knows it), then she said "I'll wake you up..."

    I am sorry, I know this has to sting a bit.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Mincan - did you have the "special" badge to wear? I remember those wastes of a Saturday afternoon!! Drive over an hour, pay through the nose for parking, sit and listen to a couple of bethel brothers drone on about nothing in particular!! And this was supposed to be sooooo special!! Only people with the "special" badges would be allowed in. You had to be "in good standing" in your congregation. I went to one with my mother several years ago. My sister couldn't go due to illness, and she didn't want to go alone, so I went with her. She gave me my sisters badge, because if you didn't have one, you weren't allowed in!


  • Frank75
    What the hell is this? Is this a Canadian thing? Never heard of anything like it.

    I suppose it might be unique to Canada, even an Ontario thing. Other countries have Zone visits, same thing?

    Always a big buzz and you go, fight traffic, find parking, get late, wait until the end and.......no orgasm!

    A few years ago they wouldn't let latecomers in the building. There were about 200 people making their way around to try and get in through one of the exits.

    We stopped going in the 90's but I knew someone who dropped off his family before parking and they wouldn't let him in. He threatened to call the police as his family was inside and they finally let him in.

    He is remarkably still in it. Sad!


  • Scully

    It sounds more like a Special Assembly Day program to me than an annual meeting of voting members.

    "Ever heard of a sheep that can survive without a guide or shepard?" "No, because it would die"

    I guess they've been reading complaints here about Inactive™ people just never being contacted by the Elders™. Yeah, it's been 12 freaking years for me, Shepherds!!! What the hell kind of "shepherd" would be so negligent of the flock entrusted to his care?? The Elders™ seem to forget that the Sheep™ do not belong to THEM, the Sheep™ belong to Jehovah, and the Shepherds™ have been entrusted to CARE for the WHOLE flocking flock. So if they ever try to contact me at this point in time, I'm going to ask them why they're even bothering... too little, too late and all that stuff.

  • juni
    Only people with the "special" badges would be allowed in. You had to be "in good standing" in your congregation.

    I know of the "special" assembly days, but I didn't know you had to have a badge to get in?

    Isn't that being snotty????? What happened to "you are all my brothers" per Jesus?

    And we couldn't keep score when playing a baseball game cause it would stir up competition! And they're saying who can and cannot attend? My head is spinning right now..... they are so hypocritical.

    Thanks Mincan for sitting through this dribble. And WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!

    Juni ~~

  • Mincan

    No, it's not the special assembly day, that's another thing altogether. No, didn't need any badges, you're just supposed to be an active witness, no one asked though, cause I aint!

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