Give us your explanation of what personally drew you to the JWS.

by Brain Dead 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Thats right give us your explanation of what personally drew you to the JWS. and what is your opinion of it today ?

    For myself I was born into it so there wasn't really any choice for myself, but now that I've been out of it for some 30 yrs. or so I can certainly see the damaging effects it has on

    individuals and there are many to speak of, noted ones are intellectual growth due to an apathy to education, a social disconnection with ones community including family members,

    mental instability like depression and anxiety brought on by the appending Armageddon theory. So there are really many not so good things for the general public and with special emphasis

    on children. In short when the perceived power is ignorant it's best for one to walk away from that power or you just might hurt yourself and maybe others.

  • nvrgnbk

    Born in, 4th generation. I really didn't stand a chance.

    My mother says I've been rebellious since birth. I guess that's what saved me.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    I was also a childhood hostage.

    Glad to be free.

    Wish my family was free of it, too.

  • zack

    I was born in. 3rd generation. No choice.

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Yep.. know where you folks are coming from, perhaps it's are responsibility to tell are story so that others can be made aware of problems that may arise when people are

    thinking of joining this religion, at least thats my viewpoint.

    I'm really interested though in why outside people not like us have been drawn to it, I'm looking forward to hearing what they have to say, should be very interesting

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I was young, not quite an adult yet. I was very idealistic. I believed in the Bible, but didn't believe in hell, the trinity or in going to war, so I didn't fit into any church I knew of.

    I think the main thing was the fact that I was about to become a parent for the first time and was unsure about raising a child. I knew my life was about to change in a major way and it was time to settle down.

    Along they came with the promise that I would never have to die, my child would never even reach school age before this wonderful paradise would be here. I could raise my child in paradise.

    Of course the love bombing was involved. And they didn't believe in hell, the trinity or going to war. Those are the things that drew me.

    There were red flags, but I ignored them. My mate was much more inclined than me and I don't think I would have ever joined them if it wasn't for wanting to please him also.

  • Frank75

    Born in. 3rd generation.

    Knew something wasn't right around 15-17 and was not planning on sticking with it.

    Met some nice dubs who took an interest in me, met my wife and continued on with it.

    I never fit in, was always at the center of controversy over what was taught.

    Just a stubborn hard head that finally woke up to the facts I knew all along!


  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    Thanks for your comments, It's starting to be apparent that there are allot more exer's here that were born into it rather than coming into latter on in life.

    That probably has to say something I guess.

  • Elsewhere

    I wasn't "drawn" to the WTS... I was drug there kicking and screaming by my parents.

  • karnage

    I was a third generation witness. I was born and raised into a JW family. When I was old enough to venture out on my own, I ran! There were some questions that I had in my early 20's and none of the elders seemed to have answers for or would want to answer them. Then came the personal attacks on my family and I saw JW's in an entirely different light. I've been adding to the distance that I have already put between me and "them" ever since.

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