Why are the WT selling prime estate in Brooklyn - do they know something

by needproof 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
    They are getting weary of NYC and want to be in the country

    The holy spirit should have guided them to build elsewhere many years ago.

  • Hortensia

    my guess is profit, lawsuits, outsourcing production to cheaper countries with fewer laws about labor and worker's compensation, profit, more profit

  • needproof

    Talking about Terrorism, this is a fringe statement, but perhaps they have heard of some kind of future attack on NYC?

  • zack

    Cash is King. Cash is King. Cash is king. You can take cash and run. You can't take a building and run.

  • garybuss

    The sale of the Standish and the 5 other buildings is a sign of prosperity, not a sign of a problem. The sale has multiple benefits to the Society. In addition to freeing up the revenue, the sale satisfies in part the complaints in the area that there is no retail at ground level. These 6 buildings will all be available for retail in the neighborhood.

    The Society's gonna build a square block size apartment building, according to my sources. The buildings they are selling are old and don't fit the hospital look architecture the Society prefers. The new buildings will be a much better investment than keeping the old buildings. At best the old buildings will inflate in value at a normal rate while requiring expensive maintenance and constant repair.

    The new buildings will more than double in value overnight because they will be built using bargain priced materials and donated labor. Once built, the new buildings will appreciate faster, maintenance will be a minimum, and repairs will be nonexistent for 10 years.

    There's a ready, able, and willing volunteer labor pool available to the Society that is currently without available big projects. The high rise would probably have been built by now if Katrina had not come along. Katrina gave the building volunteers projects for a couple years. Katrina rebuilds are winding down now and all those donated dollars need a project.

  • nvrgnbk
    I personally think the Governing Body love being at NYC headquarters.

    OTWO, you know the GB left Brooklyn long ago, right?

    At least that was my understanding.

  • Hermano

    I think it's because they know armagedon is not coming in the next decade, that is why they're reconsidering their portfilio.

  • ninja

    I think it is just relocation...nothing sinister at all.....right this is my last semi-sensible post for tonight.....the drink is kicking in now.......

  • Scully
    1) They sincerely think the end is soon

    Then why are they constantly constructing new Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls and other facilities for their use? Why not just liquidate everything and spread the money around so JWs can build their own Armageddon bunkers and God's-Burning-Wrath Shelters?

    2) They just want the money

    True. Sex abuse scandal legal settlements are quite costly. As is legally defending their idiotic position on denying the constitutional rights of children (re: blood transfusions).

    3) They are relocating

    If the end so close, why bother? On the other hand, if it's to get away from people who despise them for owning valuable real estate in the city and putting the tax burden on the other people in the community, I'd say gettin' the hell outta Dodge is a smart move.

    4) This sounds far fetched but do they know something we do not?

    Honestly, have they ever predicted anything that became reality?

  • Stealth453

    Property values are up.

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