If he were an elder in your congregation, or a former friend or even a relative that is secretly posting here, would you out them?
If You Thought An Active JW That You Knew Was Here, How Would U Respond?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
If they didn't know it was me, I wouldn't do anything. If they did know it was me, some PMs would take place to set a few things in order.
I'd be thrilled that someone else I cared about got out of the cult!
Absolutely not.
Everybody has their own circumstances. We all need that privacy and respect.
If anybody that knew me came on...I would be shocked...I would be exposed as a stephen hawking look and soundalike....with an excessive wind problem and bad breath...who used to pull the wings off flies and eat them...and still does when no one is around...(allegedly)
I have suspicions about a brother from my old hall that I dearly love. On again, off again elder. Was on my committee in 1990 when I disassociated myself and came back ?? years later. Are you out there WMBW Jazz Radio ? You know who you are. I hope you are. It would explain a lot. I, too, would be thrilled if I found out anyone I knew was here.
I know of a active witness who posts here.
Just can not believe they still go to meetings and talk about the end coming soon.
Don't get it......sorry
I would offer to take them out for a beer.
It would be exciting to realize someone I knew was here. I would never out anyone, but I might call to task an elder or two on this forum for things said to me!
If he were an elder in your congregation, or a former friend or even a relative that is secretly posting here, would you out them? No. Out them to who and how? I dont know any dubs outside this board. I'm pretty much over and through my anger. I've long viewed the witnoid situation as the blind leading the blind. Fortuanately I miracuously got my eyesite back in 83.