What are some of the things that you miss about not being a JW

by Brain Dead 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Brain Dead
    Brain Dead

    What are some of the things that you miss about not being a JW any more ?

    For myself I'd have to say it was the close relationships with the people there, some I don't miss at all, but some I really do miss, like the kids that I grew up with

    during my childhood. The only jws.kids I was to only associate with for example and oh yes the girls, the oh so many girls especially at the assemblies, dam those were fun times

    And important too of course would be my family breaking up most of us are now non-jws. this of course disabled having a close relationship with a few of my personal family members

    my father, a brother and a sister. But to be truthful there are more things I don't miss, the list is to long to mention so I'll close and end it there.

  • nvrgnbk

    There is nothing real that I miss.

    It was all based upon an illusion.

    Sometimes an illusion provides comfort.

    But I prefer reality, no matter how cold or ugly.

  • brinjen

    There was a couple of friends that I miss, there were others who when I left (and the cong had been told I was smoking) I walked past in the street with a sigh of relief like "great, I don't have to pretend I like you now!"

    But the meetings, door-to-door witnessing, endless studies etc don't miss for a second.

  • juni

    I miss some of my former friends, but I found their friendship is conditional. So really there is nothing I miss.

    Oh maybe the soft serve ice cream at the circuit assemblies....... though they don't even have the machine anymore I've heard.

    Well then. I guess my answer is nothing there that I miss.


  • moshe

    Nothing, I miss nothing from my years as a JW. At the age of 21 I took a left fork in the road that was supposed to lead to a paradise on earth. Instead it lead to over 15 years of wasted opportunities. I wonder what would have happened, if I had taken the right turn instead?

  • exwitless

    Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As NVRGNBK stated, any "relationships" I developed were all an illusion and very conditional. My experience as a dub for 14 years was a complete waste. Nope, I have no warm fuzzy feelings about anything having to do with being a JW.

  • greendawn

    I didn't really have much of a social life there since the local congos were quite closed though there were some very nice individuals. So I don't really miss anything from that time. There were nice girls around but nice girls are everywhere.


    I don't miss anything yet because I'm not officially gone just newly awakened. What I will miss is my best friend and my niece.Nothing else.

  • Mysterious

    Sports. I used to play hockey, basketball, curling, etc. Of course when I quit I was no longer welcome. I simply don't have the time to try and get into leagues at this point in my life either.

  • theinfamousone

    i miss not having to make any decisions for myself... oh wait i dont mis that!!! i definitely dont miss the lies and false friends... i dont miss anything...

    the infamous one

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