Before I explain this question let me apologize to any person if this is an "offensive" question but I really am at a lost for an answer. I work with a very nice guy at work and we have worked together for many years. But lately I have to admit I have been alittle "uncomfortable" with some of his behavior. He brings me lunch which I have never asked him to, he started making little "touchey feely" gestures towards me such as he will walk up behind me and start rubbing my shoulders. I never thought of it as he was being "inappropiate" but now I am beginning to wonder. I would hate to "over-react" and possibly ruin a long co-worker/friend relationship. But I have never been hit on by a man so I am at a lost for a "what should I do" answer. Posters any ideals or suggestion would gladly be appreaciated.
"Straight People" How do you handle it if a "gay" person "flirts" with you?
by booker-t 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Laugh and say I am flattered - it has happened quite a few times to me
I'm waiting for it to happen!!!! Where are the lesbians???
Okay, I'm not exactly "straight," but I'm not a flaming queer either, no offense intended to those who are because I've had friends like that myself. Why not have a friendly chat. Let him know that you are his friend. Tell him that some things make you feel uncomfortable because you don't understand his intentions. He does know that you are straight, right? If he values your friendship, he'll respect you for being honest with him.
Dave -
I pretty much am flattered. Hey to have another woman think I am hot? Well that is a kuddo... Then if a Gay man says I am such, well I know it has to be a good thing because they can sure tell the truth when your
Same way when a straight person does and I'm not interested.
Here's the deal.
I'm 100% straight. But I flirt with gay guys. Just ask my good bud BFD. I love that guy. Mouthy loves him too!
What I hate is when a "straight" guy acts inappropriately towards another straight guy. Happened to me once, I was like, " Dude, you're gay. Accept it. And keep your hands off please." Not cool at all.
It's one thing to flirt in jest, if all parties understand what's going on. It's quite another to make inappropriate physical advances towards others. Anyone, gay, straight, or bi.
The gay gentlemen I know, I have many as clients, have always acted in a dignified and respectful manner.
It's not about gay or straight. It's about respecting yourself and others.
I point out that though I can under stand why they might think I am gay. I am not gay but TG and don't feel comfortable with them doing flirting.
What's TG 5go?