Just saying Hi..

by Jen77 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jen77

    ..yup, just want to say Hi to you all.

    I´m a new "face" in your territory..so far! All the way from Scandinavia..seems like there are most North Americans here, but hopefully I am welcome anyways :wink:

    Soon to be 30 year OLD (!) woman from Sweden, born into JW, "the good girl" when growing up, became pioneer etc etc...then I ran into the wall and since the year 2000 I am disfellowshipped and never wanted to go back.

    But have also struggled same feelings as I am sure many of you also have; shame, guilt, identity crisis. Took me until about 1 ½ year ago before I REALLY started to deal with the emotions inside..many of my new friends had no idea about my past and my "real" me. But bit by bit I started to open up and today I am no longer afraid or ashamed of my background. Starting to (hopefully!) find myself and my new identity..it´s about time!

    My parents are still very active and one of my brothers with his family (my other brother left a long time ago, in his young years.) But I am "lucky" in that sense that they seem to be pretty liberal compared to other JW as they still have a social life with me.

    Well, a small presentation. And pls remember I am a Swede, so have tolerance with my English :wink:


  • free2think

    Welcome to the board Jen, and thank you for sharing your story. I know what you mean about the shame and guilt, feels good to be out huh.

    btw your english is fine.

  • ilovegravy

    Hi Jen and welcome...Don`t worry about a thing. This board will really help you along the road to normality. I too am a cast away from the island of borg., and with it being a mind controlling cult, can take some time to break free. But your in good hands here ...Welcome once again..

    Uncle Gravy

  • R.F.

    Welcome Jen.

    Thank you for sharing your story. Can't wait for more posts!


  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Nice to meet you,

    I'm sure coming here will help you further in your journey to break the mindset you once had as most of us here did too. This is a nice international comunity - i'm from the UK for example.


    CS 101

  • Jen77

    Thanks for your nice comments! I do feel welcome :smile:

    Just one small language question: to be specific when one is being disfellowshipped is what it´s called when one has done something wrong for instance and is getting into these "hearings" with elders etc, right?

    But what is it called really when one is doing like I decided to do? To go to the elders myself asking for a meeting and just explaning to them that I wanted out with no further actions either from their or my side? Do you get what I mean? :smile:

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Hi Jen

    Welcome. Yes, I know what you mean and that is called to disassociate yourself.

  • sass_my_frass

    Hello and WELCOME! Ah, 30. Such a precious year. I was tragic on my thirtieth, I booked a holiday and at midnight I was panicking, it seemed like this freight train was coming and I couldn't stop it, it was going to just run me over. It turned out just fine. Not long after I was disfellowshipped, and live has improved immeasurably.

  • valkyrie

    Welcome to JWD, Jen! You've stepped into a diverse and supportive network here; people with much to share, and not afraid to ask for help and support when they need it (for the most part!).

    We're neighbors in Scandinavia: I am in Norway. I look forward to reading more of your posts.


  • Stealth453

    Welcom Jen77. We are all glad to have you here.

    Please forgive our engerlish too, sometimes we westerners screw up a bit too.

    No matter....welcome to the board.


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