..yup, just want to say Hi to you all.
I´m a new "face" in your territory..so far! All the way from Scandinavia..seems like there are most North Americans here, but hopefully I am welcome anyways
Soon to be 30 year OLD (!) woman from Sweden, born into JW, "the good girl" when growing up, became pioneer etc etc...then I ran into the wall and since the year 2000 I am disfellowshipped and never wanted to go back.
But have also struggled same feelings as I am sure many of you also have; shame, guilt, identity crisis. Took me until about 1 ½ year ago before I REALLY started to deal with the emotions inside..many of my new friends had no idea about my past and my "real" me. But bit by bit I started to open up and today I am no longer afraid or ashamed of my background. Starting to (hopefully!) find myself and my new identity..it´s about time!
My parents are still very active and one of my brothers with his family (my other brother left a long time ago, in his young years.) But I am "lucky" in that sense that they seem to be pretty liberal compared to other JW as they still have a social life with me.
Well, a small presentation. And pls remember I am a Swede, so have tolerance with my English