Another life wasted at 72 y/o ***BARF ALERT***
by reneeisorym 20 Replies latest jw friends
(i figured it out)
Crooked Lumpy Vessel
Ball, a full-time greeter for Wal-Mart in Butte, acknowledged being scared by the depth of the commitment he made Saturday.
"It means I have to cut back my time at Wal-Mart and go out and preach the good news of God's kingdom," he said. "And I have to keep growing."Why does he think he now has to cut his hours at work? If he works full time then it probably means he was too poor to retire. Working at Walmart as the highlighter dude is not the pathway to financial bliss.
Why is it that Witnesses equate working full time to take care of family as sinful. Whats sad is I remember that very same thinking process in my own head years ago.
They do say that there's no fool like an old fool. I think they're right
In a talk before the baptism ceremony, speaker LaRon Pool
At least the speaker has a PERFECT name for someone conducting a baptismal talk lol.
Ha, new tactic I see ---- from the comments:
Had one of the witnesses come up to me at Barnes & Noble last night while I was reading a book on Buddhist philosophy. She gave me a bible and said, "you should really be reading this." I held up my book and said, "No thanks, it's against my religion." I knew she was from this group because she still had her name tag on.
So, who's up for hanging out at B & N, in the book aisles of philosophy, religion, psychology & self-help, romance novels, computer games, history, science (hell, the whole store for that matter) etc sections to do a little counter, or aisle witnessing of our own?
I'm sure many of them are lounging in the seating areas, with their Starbucks in one hand and WTS books in the other, waiting to pounce on us - of course, counting their time all the while in these cushy surroundings.
men and women ranging in age from 10 to 79 went into the water one at a time to be fully immersed. Three men in the pool took turns helping them lean back into the water.
Why on earth did it take three people?! lol ....
It was two when I got baptized. And then when I got baptized as a Baptist there was one man and he just let me gently sit down in the water. They turn everything into something weird. And everyone is terrified to suggest an easier way of doing anything.
AK - Jeff
Good things can come to some who take up religion [perhaps even Jw religion]. One good thing is that at 72, he is not likely to bring in any others to the cult. If it gives him peace of mind, more power to him I suppose. Likely he is trying to make sure that his 'ticket is punched' with God before he finally reaches his mortal moment. That is sad.
Interesting that the media consultant [likely a prominent WT elder at this convention], pointed the reporter at an elderly man and a college student. One draws interest, the other paints a picture that the WTS supports higher education in it's young people. This reporter was manipulated and is not even a JW yet. Perhaps she will be soon.
Rene... so sad isnt it....and there are those who are 72 who want out but have no where else to go.......
If he works full time then it probably means he was too poor to retire. Working at Walmart as the highlighter dude is not the pathway to financial bliss.
LOL .....see my reply on another post why COs who really really really are disillusioned dont just up and leave the Borg...(related to rene's article)
SnakesInTheTower (avoiding "Wal-Mart" Sheep Class)
One more deceived victim he fell for teh JW propaganda and thinks he will serve God whereas he will be serving the owners of a manmade organisation. That means there will be no reward from god as he expects and the WTS org will certainly not give him anything for his pains.
I also noticed a 10 year old also got baptised.
I also noticed a 10 year old also got baptised.
That makes me sick. That child is not old enough to know if he wants to be a JW the rest of his/her life!!!