In discussing with witnesses the need to belong to an organization, they will often point to Acts 8:26-31, emphasizing the need to be taught by someone what the Bible means.
Short summary: Philip heard a man reading aloud scripture in his chariot, asked him if he understood it, the man said how can I unless someone teaches me, so Philip taught him.
Sounds like a good point, huh? Not when you give it a little thought.
What was the man reading from? The book of Isaiah, a prophecy about the Lamb. The New Testament concerning Jesus hadn't been written yet, except a few letters floating around the congregations. He had no idea about this man Jesus, and so had no way of understanding the words of Isaiah as the new Christians taught it. So Philip told him about Jesus. He didn't need someone to explain to him Bible doctrine, he just needed to be brought up to date on world events.
That's all the eunuch needed to know, and was baptized that very hour, and went on his way.
This scripture isn't showing us that we need to be taught what the Bible means; just the opposite actually.