Why not baptize at the kingdom hall?

by Mysterious 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheListener

    Current dubs find baptisms upbuilding. Being allowed to see those from other KHs around the circuit or district get baptized is a real blessing from Jehovah.

    Plus it reminds everyone how vast the organization is and how fast it is growing.

    Puke Puke Puke

  • BluesBrother

    My first Hall , back in the late 50's or very early 60's had a baptism pool . This was in the South of England. I can only remember it being used once or twice. Reasons?

    Cost? The encouragement of a mass baptism ? perhaps health and safety concerns?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Yeah, how many times would that be used????

    It looks better when a group of people have it done together. I would assume that most JWs would view such a thing at their local KH a waste.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If there were a pool behind every KH, wouldn't it be a great thing to use when baptisms are
    not being performed?

    Elder lurkers, why not write the society and ask if you can get a pool, or just get it.

  • reneeisorym

    Its because more people would fuss if it was that easy to join a cult! Imagine how many more would get baptized that way -- Then after they found out what the org really is, they would run for the hills, be DFed, and it would cause a stir.

  • DJK

    In a few more years, baptizmal candidates will be required to walk many miles as another show of dedication to the WTS. Only kidding, but why not?

    There was one KH in my area with a pool and only once did someone from my KH baptize there. I'll bet high maintenance and the new, twice a year, local assembly hall they built eliminated the old pool.

  • Amber Rose
    Amber Rose

    There's the expence for the chemicals and they would probably build the pools cheaply so they would constantly need repaired, then the kids would try to play in it, probably additional liability insurance also. All that for something that would be used for 5 minutes every 3 years, not worth it.

  • JH

    It's not "where" the baptism takes place, but "who" does the baptizing that bothers me.

    Why can't I baptize someone?

    The bible says to go out and preach, which I did, but it also says to "baptize" and the elders surely wouldn't let me do that. So I can't follow Jesus's teachings.


    You can`t get baptized at the Kingdom Hall/Cuz the sink and the toilet are way too small!..LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • davegod

    "In a few more years, baptizmal candidates will be required to walk many miles as another show of dedication to the WTS. Only kidding, but why not?"

    LOL, with a cross strapped to your back no less!

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