Sounds like absentee parent syndrome is the problem here.
I appreciate you and your husband have to work BUT, you cannot neglect your child without repurcussions. Hence, you have a problem. She doesn't see why she should answer to you, tell you where she is. She is being like you and your husband.......absent.
Sow the wind.....reap the whirlwind! No easy answer here but to accept what the problem is.
Funny thing is (though not funny ha, ha, by any means) but you COULD take your daughter to work with you but you chose NOT to!
My parents both worked full time. I rarely saw them. I was a naughty child at home on my own. What can I say!
As a parent, I learned to sacrifice most of my financial earning potential and work from home, basically earning nothing most of the time.....though I do strike gold every so often and bring in a few quid here and there! I'm fortuante that my husband earns a reasonable though not fantastic wage and he does sometimes work 7 days a week like yours.
The cost has been high for me and my husband financially but our kids have benefited massively and I do not underestimate their gain at my own loss!
Perhaps its time to put your childs interests ahead of your own!
All kids make an horrendous mess! I'm hardly surprised yours does. She is obviously very upset at your emotional and physical (as in willing to sacrifice time and self) neglect of her!
So if you can't stand a bit of mess in her bedroom I suggest you first take a look at what YOU should be doing before you judge what she isn't!!