The current world situation and the WT dealings with the UN result in some bigger problems the WT leadership has to solve.
Firstly, the war. An event as big as the attack on the WTC so that people say this has been an historic event comparable to the events of 1914: If this has not been prophecied in the Scriptures what should be expected to be? The WT's only chance is an application of the "pushing" between the King of the South and the King of the North. But, who is the King of the North? bin Laden as a single Person? His home country Saudi-Arabia or Afghanistan? Or the religion of Islam or Islam fundemantalistics? Proclaiming the latter could put the WTS in a dangerous position. It is not per chance that Islam is hardly mentioned negativly in WT literature.
The second thing is the WT liaison with the UN. The WT magazine has shown that one of the reason that God's People needed cleansing in 1919 ie. because the Watchtower "encouraged its readers to set aside May 30, 1918, as a day of prayer for victory for the democratic powers, as requested by the U.S. congress and by President Wilson." (w87 6/15, p. 15). Or the different applications of the 2,300 days in Daniel they either mark "the ridding of the organization of 'elective elders'" (Your Will, p. 215) or the "amended Charter the Watch Tower Society" doing "away with the original charter’s provision that fixed one’s membership in the Society on the basis of one’s money contributions to the Society" (w71 12/1 p.726; cf. Daniel's Prophecy p. 177) and stating that after that "the holy place" was in "the right condition."
But can this really be said? Was the WT in the right condition while "riding the scarlet-colored wild beast" together with with Babylon the Great if not even a part of her?
So, now the WT has the opportunity to change the year 1919 to 2001, let the 2,300 days end on October 9th, 2001 and show God's People being attacked by the UNO (okay, the expected to be the last, now they are the first) and presenting a new King of the North.
Some more suggestions, prophecies, speculations?