Suggestion for GB to deal with current situation

by GermanXJW 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • GermanXJW

    The current world situation and the WT dealings with the UN result in some bigger problems the WT leadership has to solve.

    Firstly, the war. An event as big as the attack on the WTC so that people say this has been an historic event comparable to the events of 1914: If this has not been prophecied in the Scriptures what should be expected to be? The WT's only chance is an application of the "pushing" between the King of the South and the King of the North. But, who is the King of the North? bin Laden as a single Person? His home country Saudi-Arabia or Afghanistan? Or the religion of Islam or Islam fundemantalistics? Proclaiming the latter could put the WTS in a dangerous position. It is not per chance that Islam is hardly mentioned negativly in WT literature.

    The second thing is the WT liaison with the UN. The WT magazine has shown that one of the reason that God's People needed cleansing in 1919 ie. because the Watchtower "encouraged its readers to set aside May 30, 1918, as a day of prayer for victory for the democratic powers, as requested by the U.S. congress and by President Wilson." (w87 6/15, p. 15). Or the different applications of the 2,300 days in Daniel they either mark "the ridding of the organization of 'elective elders'" (Your Will, p. 215) or the "amended Charter the Watch Tower Society" doing "away with the original charter’s provision that fixed one’s membership in the Society on the basis of one’s money contributions to the Society" (w71 12/1 p.726; cf. Daniel's Prophecy p. 177) and stating that after that "the holy place" was in "the right condition."

    But can this really be said? Was the WT in the right condition while "riding the scarlet-colored wild beast" together with with Babylon the Great if not even a part of her?

    So, now the WT has the opportunity to change the year 1919 to 2001, let the 2,300 days end on October 9th, 2001 and show God's People being attacked by the UNO (okay, the expected to be the last, now they are the first) and presenting a new King of the North.

    Some more suggestions, prophecies, speculations? :wink:

  • pettygrudger

    I wrote this under the heading King North/South, but I'll stick it here w/my own question:
    I just read the post regarding Sundays' special meetings. I have a question & some statistics......
    It has been along times since I was a member of the JW's, so please, to refresh my memory - what was their understanding of this prophecy? Was America King of South (if I remember rightly) & Russia King of North? I know we were brought up believing these 2 super powers were gonna go at it appears they are getting "new light" to make it look like Islamic nations pulled together in light of recent events? Or, are the Witnesses trying to cover their own blatent lack of truth due to the following statistics, and trying to cover up why they are so disregarded in such vast portions of the world:
    Bangledesh: 1 JW in 1,308,732 people
    India: 1 JW in 45,457 people
    Libya: 1 JW in 416,070 people
    Pakistan: 1 JW in 245,487 people
    Mali: 1 JW in 56,931 people
    Egypt: None
    Suadi Arabia: None
    Sudan: None
    Syria: None
    Iran: None
    Iraq: None
    Libya: None
    Tajikistan: 1 JW in 22,209
    Turkey: 1 JW in 42,660

    These are all Islamic/Arabic countries, and if you look at the JW statistics, these are also the countries that have the greatest difference in ratio between JW's/population.
    My point here is that even though these are heavily governed countries, to God that wouldn't matter would it? He'll find his people everywhere according to JW's, and everyone will have heard of his true organization & given a chance to follow him - right? So, basically by their own statistics, the JW's have no problem clearly defining the majority of Arab communities/islamic cultures as non existent in the eyes of God. And more interestingly, how many of you had ever considered the Islam/Muslim religions before recent events? Could the theory be raised that Islam is the true religion, and that Western civilizations are finally being introduced to it in a large scale fashion?

    And where does this all fit in the prophecies regarding Kings of North/South & the disgusting thing?

  • LDH
    It is not per chance that Islam is hardly mentioned negativly in WT literature.

    Interesting GotDamn Point! They love to pick on the Catholic Church, but Islam has far many more adherents!

    I wonder why they don't go postal about the wrongs done by the Islamic church?

    I think I know the answer! It's the same reason why Salmon Rushdie is still in hiding--they're afraid for their own arses!

    Nice point GJW.


  • Seeker

    Excellent points, GermanJW. I hadn't thought of that 1919 business. I once wrote an essay pointing out that even though the WTS claims to have been cleansed from Babylonish influence in 1919, they continued doing all those things for several years afterward (birthdays, Christmas, etc.). This is another fine point -- they got involved in politics. Hypocrites.

  • Trilobite

    This could actually be a golden opportunity for the organization. They should emulate what the Worldwide Church of God did (to an extent) and simply "come clean." This would involve an honest open examination of doctrines and procedures together with an admission that they are not the only true religion. All of the issues raised by "apostates," Ray Franz, etc., should be addressed. The blood ban and DFing should be dropped immediately. The GB is sufficiently elderly that a case could be made that they should just be retired and that they were themselves misled by Rutherford's machinations. A case could also be made that now the time has come to return to the simpler and less dogmatic approach of Russell (if it was that). Such dramatic change might even re-invigorate the organization. The fundamental doctrine of everlasting life on earth could be retained with the Great Crowd being humanity in general. All of this would happen after an invisible war in heaven etc etc.

    Would JWs leave the religion? No doubt, but the vast majority would be relieved to be free of the crushing burdens imposed by the Society. Many JWs enjoy much about being a JW and would stay because they could continue on as before, worshipping God without the need to go through the emotional pain of leaving the organization, and also being able to keep many of their most basic beliefs. World events right now are such that, handled skillfully, the WTS could pull this off. Big changes can often be effected during times of flux. I firmly believe that there are enough decent people in the organization, even at the top, to pull this off.

    After all, how can telling the truth hurt a Christian religion?

    Finally, the WTS could retract all the nonsense it has spouted over th eyears about the UN and humbly seek its NGO status back, with a firm committment to Human Rights. The WTS could be a tremendous force for good in the world. The movement has been mainstreaming for quite some time as it is. Unless the organization relieve the internal strains that have resulted from doing this without telling the rank and file explicitly, the org. will break apart.

    The alternative is for the WTS to turn ever more inward and to become even more oppressive.

    I suspect that no sudden enlightened reform will happen, but that should not stop this option being explored and discussed.


  • Bridgette

    Excellent points! I've tried to express these sentiments so many times, but couldn't articulate as you did.
    I'm for them secularizing more and more and more until their chokehold on adherants is non-existant. oooh and the part about them becoming an NGO with strong emphasis on Human Rights--I love it!
    I don't see them surviving as the world's populace gets ever more educated if they do not mainstream HARD and FAST.

  • GermanXJW

    Here the most recent remark from w93 11/1 p.21:

    So who is the king of the north now? Is he to be identified with one of the countries that were part of the old Soviet Union? Or is he changing identity completely, as he has a number of times before? We cannot say. Who will be the king of the north when Daniel 11:44, 45 is fulfilled? Will the rivalry between the two kings flare up again? And what of the huge nuclear stockpiles that still exist in a number of lands? Only time will provide the answers to these questions.

    I think I remember your essay from old h20-days. (I used to be an up-to-date reader but had only a few apologetic appearances.)

  • GermanXJW

    I think the fact that the WTS have discontinued their NGO status is a sign for a more conservative approach.

    I'm afraid we will have to wait a little bit longer to see reform.

  • Trilobite


    I would agree with that. However, the decision was more likely a panic decision than a conscious choice. It could backfire very badly. If that happens there might be an opportunity for substantial reform.


  • Eyebrow

    When you think about it, the WT timing in leaving the UN NGO couldn't be timed more poorly. When religions around the world are trying to come together to stand against terrorism, they leave the non govermental list. I think this will make them look bad, even though they really should have never joined to begin with if they truly followed what they teach.

    I think the WT will spin it like this:"Never fearing what goverments think of us, Jehovah's Witnesses have once again taken a stand that we are no part of the world, even when christedom is rallying around the UN...blah, blah, blah, blah..."

    It will stir the pot a wee bit, just what they want. I remember the term fair weather know, the ones that went to meetings only when life was good for them. However, it has been my experience that there are a lot more Crisis Christians out there...ones that flock to the hall when it seems that maybe the great tribulation really is here. I can hear it now from the JWs who may have been around for a while, "see, we are being persecuted in the press because we are no part of the world...we really are the TRUE religion!"


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