
by sexyk 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • sexyk

    Yeah, its a rough time in my life right now. It's funny how 2 jehovahs witness men woke me up out of bed today at 9:30 in the morning to ask me if I wanted a bible study, and to give me magazines and invite me to the local convention this month.

    They told me they knew I was associated with the witnesses before (sounds like a cult ! or like the mob minus the violence) and one elder actually knew me by who I hung out with a few years back. And figure this, I now moved here 5 months ago from home, which is a 7 hour drive away. Pretty crazy

    I called up my parents very upset, they told me they sent out a couple elders for me to talk to. And for them to ask me if I wanted a bible study and which I said No. My father on the phone says "your not going to go back ?" then I said no im not going back to the meetings", then their was a very long awkward pause, and I said ill talk to you later and hung up.

    I can't believe all this stuff is happening. Feels like im letting down my parents (who I truly love and would never purposely hurt). But im not going to go back into something I don't beleive.

    Going back like some friends I had did, to make it good with their family, in my personally opinion, isn't a good enough reason to be in it. Anyways, everything will workout im sure.

    keith p.s thanks for all the posts guys, it helps.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Wow is right. Sorry you're having this experience. You are not alone. But it sucks anyways. But you are not alone.

    But it sucks.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Sexyk,

    Sorry about your shockeroo. You left at about the age I began - 40 years ago. Getting out early is to your advantage. So much good advice you've received; I would say more but I'm a tad sad myself today so am not my usual chatty self. But I could not not respond.

    May you find love and peace on your new path,


  • fairydusthill

    I am 26 and I have been out permanently since i was 16 when my mom got df'd so thank goodness she is out. But I have an Aunt and her family and my grandparents are still in there! I personally am religiously numb. Every time I hear someone say god bless me or thank god or anything relatively religious at all I just want to puke. I do think that JW's are very brainwashed and are trained very well to hold them self higher than every one "worldly". I am so sorry to hear of anyone else going thru the shunning process that our "old friends and family" put us all through! I know things get better that I promise!

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