Hi... I'm a newbie here. I have been associated with JW's for quite some time However there is one aspect of being a witness that I can't quite come to terms with That is the prohibition on celebrating a person's birthday I have of course read the arguments for this but find them somewhat unconvincing. Is it really the case that everyone follows this direction? What do/did you do about this? What is your opinion? I am interested in your comments. Thanks for giving me the chance to ask this on the forum
How about birthdays?
by molybdenum 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I see no problem in celebrating birthdays, its just a harmless celebration, I believe the Society is wrong on that one. Much ado over nothing.
Hi there Molybdenum, and welcome to the forum. I do like a transition metal.
The scriptural basis for not celebrating your birthdate as offered by the WTS is tenuous to say the least. Sticking to scripture I would say that the following is saying that it is ok to have celebration days and to not judge others.
Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God. - Romans 14:4-6
We don't need thought police. The Bible doesn't mention birthdays and yet the Society has dictated that they must not be celebrated. This was a new light issue during the days of Judge Rutherford, and birthdays are "bad" by association apparently.
What harm does it do to celebrate a birthday? Little kids are denied the excitement of a special day, old people are denied the chance to celebrate a long life.
Mrs Smith
This is just one of their many man made rules. Job's son celebrated he's birthday and yet God pronounced Job to be righteous. You won't hear that in a Kingdom Hall. If you cannot live by all their rules I would sugest that you stay on this forum and learn more about the religion.
Hi molybdenum, and welcome to the forum.
As with many of their rules, the "scriptural" reason for the watchtower's prohibition of birthday celebrations is entirely to do with their own interpretation of the bible. However, as they are a very persuasive and controlling organisation, they are able to convince the vast majority of their followers to accept the ruling. Those who don't tend to be disciplined, and eventually disfellowshipped from the org.
I accepted it for 25 years myself - I celebrated my 21st birthday, pre-jw, and didn't celebrate another birthday until I was 47, and had disassociated nyself from the organisation. My advice to you is that you should think very carefully before making any commitment to this cult, because if you do, you will be expected to comply with every rule in the book, of which there are many. If you don't, you will be disciplined by the elders, and ostracized by your fellow jws.
Welcome! I celebrate everything. I love celebrations.
Yeah their reasoning on birthdays is completely ridiculous. Jobs kids celebrated their birthdays. Also they say that Anniversaries are a conscience matter because God instituted the marital arrangement. Well if God didn't institute birth, I don't know who did. They just like to be different. I say as long as you don't chop off someone's head at your birthday celebration you are probably OK.
Their logic is that the only two birthdays in the Bible were celebrated by God's enemies and they had an innocent person beheaded each time. Based solely on this, they have banned birthdays. It also brings attention to the person whose birthday is being celebrated.
Which is crap. In the first place, Job's children celebrated birthdays and did not behead anyone. And Luke 2:10-14 has the incident where perfect angels in heaven celebrated Christ's birthday. And they never took anyone's head and had it put on a platter in those occasions. Of course, the Tower is blind to those instances where a birthday is celebrated without killing someone.
Second, since when is it a crime to bring attention to someone once in a while? If that were valid, then why doesn't Jehovah do all the work Himself, obliterate us useless specks of dust, and then be finished with it? That way, no attention would have to be directed to us. And they wonder why I will not support the organization: it too is unneccessary.
Thanks for the replies I see that there is not a lot of basis for going along with this teaching. Do you think some secretly ignore it? Does anyone have such experience? If so how did you feel about it? Guilty?... or just ...it's OK cos it's not such a big thing Just wondering Thanks for the input
Today is my birthday.