What do JWs, Darth Vadar and Lord Voldemort have in common?

by Gill 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • fullofdoubtnow

    But what inevitability did/do they ALL seek to escape that led them to have such negative character traits towards others?

    Ever having to die?

  • Gill

    Linda - They all have or had an 'abstract fear' of death and feel/felt it could be conquered. This 'abstract fear' led/ leads them to an even worse life/slavery than would have been necessary for anyone to live like. Avoiding death became/becomes their obsession.

    They see/saw death as a weakness rather than an inevitability. They see/saw death as something that happens to others, weak people only, NOT people with their 'special' gifts/knowledge.

    There are not many here on this board who have not see the dark side of the Organization.

    I have seen the cruel and ugly side of too many JWs who fear for their own lives and anything that gets in the way of their getting out in FS, attending sales meetings, go to sales meeting assemblys etc. They abandon anything and everything and put only the instructions of the WTBTS first in their lives. They lose their humanity, kindness, love and empathy.

    It was one of the very first things that woke me up from my Watchtower slumber, the evil actions of a woman who was too afraid that she would lose out on Eternal life, promised by a book publishing company that she punished cruelly a dying woman.

    So, I would say, an 'abstract and all encompassing fear of death.'

    Do you agree?

    Why else would a JW sit through hours of mind and bottom numbing boredom, and hours of freezing cold, scorching hot, FS?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    So, I would say, an 'abstract and all encompassing fear of death.'

    Do you agree?

    Yes Gill, I do agree.

    That's why most of us, if not all, who weren't brought up in the org became jws. We might have spewed out some bs about wanting to serve the "true god", and some of us might have been genuine to a certain extent about that, but ultimately we all did it for the reward we thought we'd eventually get - everlasting life in paradise.

  • Gill

    What would drive a supposedly loving mother and father to shun a daughter who was already desperately depressed and in need of their loving support? Instead she crawled into the loft space of her home, took an overdose and died alone......shunned, ignored, invisible!

    What else would make a son, shun the loving mother who had raised him simply because she was DF'd for criticising an overbearing elder? Within two weeks of her disfellowshiping she had killed herself.

    What else would make a whole family ignore a son, who had always been a good son to them, except he criticised a WT instruction and was DF'd? He killed himself after two months of shunning.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are all too willing to enforce the 'living death' on anyone who steps even slightly out of line. No one has the right to do that, and only the extremely arrogant and deluded believe that they do.

  • Mary

    Um, they all are drunk on personal power and will attempt to destroy any who disagree with them?

  • Gill

    Linda - I too can be honest, and even though I was a born in JW, it was fear of death that kept me imprisoned and a superstitous fear that nothing bad would happen to my children as long as we remained JWs.

    It is possibly this superstition that keeps many JWs locked in.

    I know that I had to get my head around the inevitability of death before I ever learnt to live. Then, and only then, did I appreciate life, its simple beauty and the magic of every moment. That, and only that made me a better person. Fear did nothing but make me desperate, unhappy, angry and lost.

  • Gill

    And what Mary said too!!!!

    It is the aloofnees and the 'I am the bees knees' attitude of the members of the Watchtower that I find one of their (and used to be mine) most upsetting features!

    They all:

    Don't celebrate Christmas

    Feel they have 'Special Knowledge'

    Feel they can 'cheat death'

    Feel that all who disagree with them should be destroyed.

    They have a lot in common.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Gill, I guess jws are raised to believe that they probably won't die, and I can imagine that exchanging a belief like that for the reality of being born, living and eventually dying must be a very difficult transition to make.

    I was 21 when I "discovered" I wouldn't have to die, and it resulted in me having a completely skewed outlook on my future. I "knew" that if I did everything the watchtower said, I would never have to plan for my future, never save money, take out life insurance, never have a fulfilling career etc, because the "reward" for not focussing on those things was much greater than the sum of all of them. It was a huge shock to me when I realised just hoe deluded I'd been. It must be far worse for those who have been taught those things from birth.

  • Mary
    Feel that all who disagree with them should be destroyed. They have a lot in common

    Well, at least Darth baby did a good deed at the end and saved himself from the Dark Side. Can't see that happening with either Voldemort or the Governing Body though.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    What do JWs, Darth Vadar and Lord Voldemort have in common?

    ummmm...they are all part of a fantasy world?

    SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)

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