When a Witness or ex-Witness seeks investment in real estate or the stock market, they often hear
the annoying advice about those "determined to be rich" ( 1 Tim 6:9). For most of us, this is nonsense.
When this scripture was written, was there a stable financial system that serviced rich and poor alike?
Did the Roman Empire care about discrimination or civil rights? Where was the Roman stock market?
Did most people live to see 40?
The facts are that the poorest people in Western nations are incomparably richer that the greatest
kings and queens of ancient times. Do you have a refrigerator? a car? a microwave? Social
Security? Unemployment insurance? A VCR? A house with windows?
In addition to the above, most of us have access to a wide variety of opportunities - if we learn to
avoid listening to Watchtower pessimism. Studies consistently show that college education improves
your earning potential. The transactions cost for stock market investing are remarkably low and
the US government provides all sorts of opportunities to save on taxes and save for a retirement
( something your ancestors would probably never see).
So, those "who are determined to be rich stab themselves with many pains"? From my perspective,
in observing the daily struggle of high school educated, 'save nothing because the End is soon'
Witnesses, I'd say that those who aren't determined to be rich stab themselves all over with
many pains.