Why 'Determined to Be Rich' Advice is Wrong

by metatron 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    When a Witness or ex-Witness seeks investment in real estate or the stock market, they often hear

    the annoying advice about those "determined to be rich" ( 1 Tim 6:9). For most of us, this is nonsense.

    When this scripture was written, was there a stable financial system that serviced rich and poor alike?

    Did the Roman Empire care about discrimination or civil rights? Where was the Roman stock market?

    Did most people live to see 40?

    The facts are that the poorest people in Western nations are incomparably richer that the greatest

    kings and queens of ancient times. Do you have a refrigerator? a car? a microwave? Social

    Security? Unemployment insurance? A VCR? A house with windows?

    In addition to the above, most of us have access to a wide variety of opportunities - if we learn to

    avoid listening to Watchtower pessimism. Studies consistently show that college education improves

    your earning potential. The transactions cost for stock market investing are remarkably low and

    the US government provides all sorts of opportunities to save on taxes and save for a retirement

    ( something your ancestors would probably never see).

    So, those "who are determined to be rich stab themselves with many pains"? From my perspective,

    in observing the daily struggle of high school educated, 'save nothing because the End is soon'

    Witnesses, I'd say that those who aren't determined to be rich stab themselves all over with

    many pains.


  • diamondblue1974

    I agree with you on this.

    There is a difference between pursuing material gains at absolutely all costs and ensuring you have some financial security and or independence.

    The WTS invest in attaching a stigma to having just a decent standard of living, primarily because this takes the R&F focus off selling their bullshit books and recruiting other book sellers too. Another example of them twisting scriptures to suit their own ends.


  • LongHairGal


    You are so right about this. As far as being "stabbed all over with many pains", they would absolutely LOVE to be stabbed all over with the pain of having too much money. Why do you think they are constantly asking for it.

    I always despised their hypocrisy about this fallacy they have with "riches". The poverty they are wishing for you is certainly not for them. Everybody can see that a person who is poor has much more trouble and tribulation than a person who is rich. And they have even less time to devote to any "ministry" because they have to spend all their time earning a living.

    What bunk!


  • zack

    I have always told people that if I have to work 40 or 50 hours a week, why not work the same 40 or 50 hours a week and make more money?

    Why work at a job for minimum wage when you can work at a job for premium wage? Why clean windows when you can own the window factory?

    The WTS wants to keep you poor and ill informed, dependent upon them for everything.

    Thanks for the thread.

  • Blueblades

    Being Rich and being Wealthy are two different things. I.E. Shaq is Rich, A.Rod is Rich. The one who signs their checks is Wealthy!

    The Watchertower is very Wealthy. Property, Stocks, Wills, Donations of all sorts etc. The Society goes against it's own policy when it comes to the rank and file. Many Zone, D.O's. C.O's. Elder's Etc. are Rich because they don't listen to the Watchtower when it comes to MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Blueblades. not rich!

  • Terry

    What wealth grants you is the Freedom to make a difference. Contrast that with being a wage slave haunted by bills and the pressures of workaday life.

    The Watchtower invests, buys and sells buildings and rakes in the coins with alacrity. Long term investing has always belied their frantic cries of "The End is Near!"

    Keeping the rank and file JW dependant, frightened and weak is what CONTROL is all about.

    So many people in your own family could lead more productive lives with the confidence that enough money is available to get them through hard times.

    Productive people are in a position to really help others and make the future a welcomed experience rather than a doom-laden pox looming ahead like a pestilence on the horizon.

    Being RICH is only a curse if your methodology is dishonest, short-term and risky.

    A man with a plan is not a fool.

  • BFD

    Boy, I wish I knew this 30 years ago. I am not poor by the standards mentioned in the opening post but how much do I have saved for retirement? GOOSE EGG! Last year I was working three jobs, this year I only work two.

    I plan on finding a better job soon and as a matter of fact last night the first part of my plan sprung into action. My goal is to be settled in a new position by October. I found a roomate to share my house which will help my finances a lot. Now I will be able to take time off from my full time job to look for a better position. I don't get personal days here so the extra rent income will help there.

    I really love this area but there is not much opportunity around here. I grew up in a large city and then spent most of my adult life in a smaller city. I now live in an even smaller city (14,000) in the foot hills of the Catskill Mountains.

    As gloomy as my financial future seems right now, I wake up every morning happy to be alive and try to enjoy every moment of the day. I have learned to breath. I thought the WT$ had given me all the answers I needed even if I didn't like them. Since finding JWD I have been searching for answers outside of that box. I have finaaly learned to look within for MY answers. I have learned to appreciate the stillness, enjoy the sounds of quiet. When there is no box the possibilties are endless.

    It is a much healthier state, imo.

    Thanks for this thread.


  • thecarpenter

    too many elders misapply this scripture. Even the publications go to extreme with it. I presently view it as a nudge not to be overly consumed with the acquistion of wealth. Greedy people compromise on things they shouldn't in order to gain wealth quickly. As Terry mentioned, leading a productive life leads to greater happiness and flexiblity. One of the things that bugged me while I was a witness was the fact that too many people were living hand to mouth, struggling from one financial distaster to another. That made me determined to make the most of my situation, if I was going to work 40 hours, I wanted to get paid the most I can for those 40 hours. This mindset has served me well.
    Another thing that concerned me was the idea that preparing for retirement was somehow wrong. Since one had to ensconce themselves in the WT 'last days' mindset, it discouraged people from fully looking into their retirement options. One long time elder and recent senior citzen said to me a few years ago that he couldn't afford to retire. This guy was a regional building committee overseer and spent his whole life volunteering and now will have to work in his senior years doing back breaking work (he's a bricklayer). Nice man but foolish.
    There are too many people that I know who are in this same situation.
    Some financial prudence is necessary, people should start looking into 401k's and Roth ira's. Although it can be a bit boring, learning how to invest long term can make a world of difference. Taking control of your financial health is almost as important as taking care of your physical health.
    thecarpenter 'of the grow rich slowly through a lifetime of hardwork class'

  • Scully

    It's funny how on the odd occasion when I've encountered a JW, that they feel no compunction to criticize Mr Scully and me for our career choices and our relatively comfortable lifestyle. The criticisms of my decision to return to school (after the WTS eased up on its negative position toward higher education) were loud and frequent. Why would I want to waste 3 years in college when Armageddon™ is right around the corner? Why couldn't we be content with what we had and Pioneered™, instead of being sucked into a two-income Materialistic™ lifestyle?

    My answers today are the same as what they were back then:

    Armageddon™ isn't here, and it's not coming in my lifetime (or anyone else's).

    Where would my family be if either Mr Scully or me dropped dead? Would the Congregation™ support "orphans and widows" like the Bible tells them to do? No? Then stick a fork in it and STFU.

    Speaking of Materialism™, Brother Janitor-for-life, didn't you just put a big fancy addition on your house in the country? Doesn't Sister Janitor-for-life have cleaning jobs too, and drive a school bus too, so you can afford all that stuff? Yeah? Neither Mr Scully or myself is overworked. But because of our EDUCATIONS we get paid very well and we don't have to kill ourselves to have the things we do. Again, stick a fork in it and STFU.

  • Warlock

    Another thing that the WTS does, is present the most negative quotes and experiences in a wealthy persons life, to justify this advice.

    Those negative experiences they like to show, happen to rich and poor alike.


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