Racism within the borg

by icyestrm 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • icyestrm

    Acts 10:34 speaks of God as not being partial.

    In the majority of pictures, the married couples are only of the same race and none of them are mixed. I noticed that in other pictures of the so-called paradise, its segerated amongst races too.

    What is the hidden meaning to this?

  • SnakesInTheTower


    What is the hidden meaning to this?

    I dont know if there is hidden meaning or not....

    Up until Sam Herd joined the GB, it was an "all [white] boys club".

    If you go on a tour of Bethel printing facilities, you will see various versions of the same CrapTower cover displayed for different lands....the reasoning behind it is to make the mags more palatable to the general public.... hell with that...its to make it more palatable to the general Borg population. (I know, how do you make that crap palatable at all?, but I digress.)

    Did you ever notice that there are no mixed race CO couples (at least not that I have seen here in the US)? Wonder why? Its because there are only so many places where such a couple would be accepted in this country....the US is still backward in this aspect, IMO. Not just in the "world", but within the Borg congos. (I believe it is lessacceptable in the congos, and more accepted in the world)

    I am currently in a congo that is 95% or more black....first time in my life where I am the minority in a congo.... I've been in a congos that were 95% white, or even close to even....and I will say this bunch seems to be less judgemental than my past congos....if I miss meetings (which is almost all the time now), when I come back, the elders esp, just say "good to see you". I think it is because so many of them are either poor or come from poor backgrounds and know many are just doing there best to be at the Kingdumb Hell.

    Does this add up to racism or just human nature? I dont know.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the Fading Sheep Class)

  • neverendingjourney

    Every JW construction project that I ever went to looked the same way: you'd have Hispanic brothers doing the back-breaking labor and a bunch of white brothers walking around with hard hats and clipboards. This is a generalization, but it was mostly true. What I mean is that I'm not saying that there was never a white brother doing the physical labor or a Hispanic brother walking around with a clipboard, but by and large this was the case at every quick build or assembly hall construction project I ever witnessed. Most of the kingdom halls I was familiar with had their pioneer ranks filled to the brim with blacks and Hispanics. The elder body? Well, they were composed mostly of white brothers.

    As snakes said, "Is it racism or human nature?" Well, I guess the answer you arrive at depends largely on whether you are white or a person of color. I always found this to undermine the organization's claim of impartiality.

  • needproof

    The hidden meaning aspects would not surprise me. Russell actually taught that in the coming paradise black people would change skin color to gain perfection.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We adopted a bi-racial child in the late 70's. The congregation was all white at the time. We heard gossip and hate talk from the vine. One of the more prominent elder's MIL was outstanding in her view that we should not have done so [though we only heard it from second hand reports].

    I know of many bi-racial marriages in the organization nowadays. It has become the 'status quo' in some places. Kind of a 'proof of the truth' in the eyes of the Jw population. In fact, I heard many an elder discourage such marriages openly in the past, labeling it as against 'common sense' to do so. It was against 'common decency' for them to make such hateful remarks.

    I like the variety of color though, and wish there were not so many that hold racial motivation.


  • BluesBrother

    After pushing 50 years in or around The Borg (Time flies!) I can say that without doubt there is less racism in the WTS then ever outside. I can only relate what I see. Mixed marriages are common. Are they as common in the outside world? I see no barrier to advancement for a man of any ethnic background - certainly not in the elder bodies that I served with.

    There are many legitimate areas of criticism, but I do not think that this is one of them...bar for the odd potty eccentric dub, of course but you find those in every group.

  • DJK

    Please don't barf at my thoughts on the subject. Brought up as a JW, I was taught that all men are brothers, and I adhere to that to this day. The printings you speak of were probably a cost, (price of ink) or a mechanically related issue and not a racial issue. As much as I dislike the JW religion, I know they are not racial!!

  • LongHairGal

    Generally speaking, I felt there was less racism within the religion than in the outside world. I am not saying everybody was terribly happy and that there weren't clashes of one sort or another, but these were more about character and personality than race IMO. There was always an occasional moron who made remarks behind people's backs. There were one or two idiot whites who made ethnic slurs about other whites (but that's okay, right???)

    I agree with Bluesbrother that there are worse things in the religion to criticize.


  • GermanXJW

    I found this rather discouraging:

    *** w73 12/1 pp. 735-736 Questions From Readers ***

    What is the view of Jehovah’s witnesses toward interracial marriage?—France.

    Jehovah’s witnesses at all times seek to reflect the Biblical view of matters. The Bible does not specifically discuss interracial marriage. It does, however, show how Jehovah God views humankind and it provides guiding principles for those considering marriage.

    Superiority of race is nowhere taught or implied in the Bible. Jehovah God accepts as his approved servants people out of all races, without discrimination. The Bible tells us “[God] made out of one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth, and he decreed the appointed times and the set limits of the dwelling of men, for them to seek God, if they might grope for him and really find him.” (Acts 17:26, 27) “God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.”—Acts 10:34, 35.

    So, the Bible nowhere implies that racial differences in themselves have anything to do with the properness of marriage. Of the remarriage of widows, the apostle Paul wrote: “A wife is bound during all the time her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord.” (1 Cor. 7:39) Thus the Christian is free to marry anyone who is Scripturally and legally free to do so, as long as that one is truly a fellow believer.

    Are there any other factors, then, worth considering? Yes, for Christians seek to exercise good judgment and wisdom in all they do. Among other things, they are encouraged to “go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside,” those outside the Christian congregation.—Col. 4:5.

    In many areas interracial marriages are becoming increasingly common. People are traveling more, and often find the ways and customs of people of other lands attractive. War, too, has played a part, and many European and North American soldiers have married Asiatic wives. There is, then, a somewhat broadened viewpoint on the part of many toward interracial marriage.

    Nevertheless, not all persons share this broadened viewpoint, nor do all appreciate Bible standards. Many deep-seated prejudices remain in the world of mankind. A Christian, being realistic, must face life as it is—not as he wishes it might be.

    In a few places, there are even laws making interracial marriages illegal. When that is the case, Christians are under Scriptural obligation to obey them, as such laws do not make it impossible for them to worship God with “spirit and truth.” (John 4:24; Rom. 13:1) Of course, if a Christian would prefer to move to a locality where such laws are not enforced, he is certainly free to do so.

    In other communities, local prejudices produce discrimination and unkind treatment toward those of certain races of mankind. These prejudices do not make interracial marriage wrong. For the discerning Christian, nonetheless, they may give cause for thought as to the advisability of such marriage. No matter what the racial backgrounds of the mates, marriage of itself requires much adjustment on the part of both persons to be successful and to bring happiness. Human imperfection causes all marriages to bring some measure of ‘tribulation in the flesh,’ as the apostle Paul wisely points out. (1 Cor. 7:28) In certain localities, where racial prejudices are strong, this could put added strain on the marital relationship and could be especially trying for any children resulting. So the Christian should give thoughtful consideration to the probable consequences before entertaining the prospect of interracial marriage.

    Persons of different races may have very similar backgrounds, culturally, socially and as to education. Or their backgrounds may be very different. Sometimes the varied habits, attitudes and customs that go with different backgrounds seem to add interest to the marriage union. Yet widely differing backgrounds, even among marriage mates of the same race, can and sometimes do give rise to problems, making marital adjustment more difficult. In making his decision, the Christian should also rightly weigh these factors—for the other person’s happiness as well as his own.

    The Christian is under obligation to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom to others. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) As a factor, then, he may consider whether or not interracial marriage is likely to create a seriously adverse effect on the attitude of the people in his community toward this Kingdom-announcement work. The examples of Christ Jesus and his apostles show that they were willing to forgo things to which they had a right rather than severely hinder persons from being receptive to the truth of God’s Word.—Rom. 15:3; 1 Cor. 10:32, 33.

    However, after weighing all these factors thoughtfully, each Christian must make his own decision—in good conscience and motivated by love for God and for his neighbor.

  • Junction-Guy

    Jehovah's Witnesses are an equal opportunity cult, they dont care what your skin color is, as long as your money is green, and you are willing to slave for their master, the Watchtower.

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