How about Prince's/The Artist Formerly Known as Prince's symbol? Only teenagers would recognize it, and us. Or a multicolored 6 pointed star, think Purple Triangles - not. Since we're from all backgrounds, it would fit, and if cornered, we could confound the enemy and say that we're with The Gay Jews for Susan G. Komen Earth Day Foundation.
We need a secret hand signal!
by Miss 8572 33 Replies latest jw experiences
There is already a hand signal that many of us used when young. It's thumb and all fingers except the pinky and forms a JW when flashed. If you do the sign with your middle finger folded down though this might accomplish what we want. Middle finger because its like giving the finger but with all fingers reversed. So it would still look like JW, but more obscene.
I think we should just communicate using cell phones (texting) , (unless some do not want to share their number)...
I think this way is more discreet, and not too noticable to others(JW's), since everyone has cells phones now.
That way we can co-ordinate using our cells, and can come up with a plan.
What do you think?
Shawn, that's a good hand signal!
why not turn your back to the platform...bend down.....pull your trousers down....and wiggle....
why not turn your back to the platform...bend down.....pull your trousers down....and wiggle....
LOL Ninja.
btw how's big brother going?
moggy lover
Hmmmmmm......... I'm getting this real cool idea. But only us old'uns will remember.
Back in the dark days of WW2 when it seemed all was lost, Churchill invented this "V" for victory sign. You held your hand up and used your index and middle fingers to craft a V - for victory of course. Victory over the forces of darkness, victory over the cult of death, victory over oppression
JUST SAY "NO!" to Assemblies!
Hey Welcome to the board The Martian.
Why would anyone, not being forced, go to an Assembly?
A Flare to shoot in the air?
An X Logo on our clothing for X JW? Just dont bother doing that at X-MEN Conventions