This may help you learn the proper technique and vocabulary that goes with this style of dress...
is nice, yes?
by Fatfreek 24 Replies latest jw friends
This may help you learn the proper technique and vocabulary that goes with this style of dress...
is nice, yes?
I cannot believe this fad is still around. And no, as a female it does NOT turn me on.
In their attempt at being different these boys have managed to be cookie-cutter images of each other. When I see it it screams: STILL TRYING TO FIND MYSELF!
Yup! This is also why I hate Hot Topic and have such a dislike of the "goth" crowd.
I realize this has been a fad for several years but wonder what the root of it is.
This is called 'sagging'. It originated in prisons when men were OWNED by other men within the prison walls.
I think if the youth REALLY understood the origin, most of them would pull up their pants.
No, this does nothing for me. :)
Thanks for that explanation, OnlyCurious.
Now, my memory tells me I have to fess up. And since there's no JC handy I'll have to do it publicly. The following was snapped of me when I was some 3 years old (1943). We lived in the Boston Trailer Park at the time. It should go without saying that it was not a fancy neighborhood.
Len Miller
I've noticed that rappers and such are always talking about trippin'. Well, one day I was picking my daughter up at school, and as I was watching the kids come out of the school, it dawned on me why they're always trippin' - it's their pants. Land sakes, if my trousers were that baggy, I'd trip too.
Then it occurred to me why their pants are so low. You see, where I work, I'm always going to conferences, and every conference gives you a brief case or nylon bag to put your stuff in. I now have cases and portfolios stacked like cordwood in my basement. Anyway, these rapper boys' dads are all in jail, so they don't go to conferences where they get nylon bags, so they don't have anything to put their bling into, except their pants pockets. Bling is pretty heavy, so it weighs their pants down low, which causes the trippin'.
If there's anything else you would like to know, just ask me.