How many?

by lavendar 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    I was wondering how many non-JW's (like myself who have never been a JW) there are on this board?

    I've found this board to be of great help & support because our son is currently being brainwashed into the cult by his wife and KH members. I was just wondering how many other people are in the same boat as myself.

    Also, are you making any headway in your loved one's life? Are you being sucessful in creating any doubts in their mind about the WTS?



  • badboy


  • lavendar

    Not really interested in the NUMBER of non-JW posters. More wanting them to talk about their individual situations. ie their story, sucesses, concerns, etc.



  • BFD

    Hi Lavendar,

    I think there are quite a few but the names are escaping me now. I'm pretty sure bebu has never been a JW. I hope you are able to save your son before it's too late for him. What do you think got him interested in the religion cult?


  • lavendar

    Hi BFD,

    Thanks for posting.

    Definitely his wife. She married him before she was baptized about 5 years ago. Ever since, she has been putting pressure on him to join. I think she finally gave him an ultimatum......"either join or lose me".

    So, as one poster told me......he's probably more afraid of losing his wife than he is of joining a cult".

  • poppers

    I've never been a dub and have no family members who are or ever were either. I just keep coming back because it's such a fascinating place with interesting people who have many fascinating stories to tell. And having made a few friends here hasn't hurt either.

  • BFD

    So, as one poster told me......he's probably more afraid of losing his wife than he is of joining a cult".

    That's sadly sentimental. I wish I had some magic formula to give you. My dad was never a JW but my mom joined in 1965 and that's how I was raised. My dad is dead now and my mom shuns me. It's a rough ride and I wish you the best.


  • lavendar

    Hi Poppers - yes, it is a fascinating place. I find it kind of therapeutic....and it helps me deal with the whole thing somehow.

    BFD - So sorry about your mom shunning you. That is such a horrific practice!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Has your son been baptized yet? If not, now is the time to try and reach him. Does he plan on getting a college degree? The Witnesses discourage this extremely. Try hard to think of the things that might be red flags for your son and strss them to an extreme. Once he is baptized, the game is pretty much over.

    I take it you have shown him sites such as this and others. Are there children involved yet? Remind him they will not have a normal childhood, like he did. Does he want to put them through the hell of being a total outcast at school? No birthdays, holidays, sports. The daily embarrassment of not pledging allegence to the flag. And all this begins at an age when they really don't understand why, but feel intensely the emotional pain of being different.

    I was not raised as a Witness, but I have a son in his 30's who still has nightmares about Armegeddon. The damage to children can be severe. I raised him as a Witness, and am sorry now. I wish someone would have played on my doubts way back when.

    Always talk to him on the basis of concern for him and his children. Don't be harsh because it plays into his persecution complex the Witnesses thrive on.

    Best of luck to you. Sincerely, Choosing Life

  • lavendar

    Hi Choosing Life - no, he has not been baptised yet. And I have been AGONIZING over whether to send him anti-WTS information or not. We have had conversations face to face and I've tried to LOVINGLY tell him the falsehoods of the WTS, but with no success.

    I have to close our store now.....but will check back later......


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