Dear Greg: Just a note to Thank You for the card and for remembering us on our anniversary. We had a very nice 45th anniversary. The only thing that would have made it better is if You and ***(my sister) could have celebrated with us . Love,Mom Dear Mom, Glad you enjoyed your anniversary. Yes, I (and I am sure Sue also) would have enjoyed celebrating with you. I would have been glad to have been there if I had been invited. I do understand I wasn't invited because I am not a witness anymore. I also hope you understand I wouldn't be welcome back as a witness believing (and also not-believing) what I do now. I would go back you know if I felt it was the right thing to do. I told the elders that as well....that I needed to search and if I felt it was the truth in the future I would be back. So, if you feel I am wrong in what I am about to say I am open to talking about it. The JW religion is not a religion you can stay in if you don't believe it yeah know...unless you are o.k. with being dishonest. I would have been content searching while still in but I wasn't allowed to do that. I was pushed to believe it or else. Belief doesn't work very well that way. I am enjoying this time working on myself and searching. I have taken a college course on Sociology of Religion, have read much concerning all different religions (read much from other religion's "holy scriptures"), researched how geography, culture, and time influences different belief systems. I have gone to many different places of worship, met many people from all different backgrounds. It has truly been an eye opener for me. I never could have done this if I had stayed a witness. The effect has been greatly beneficial. I can see the common threads between people and am more open myself. I could never go back to a religion that would stifle that. I felt like I was shriveling up a few years ago and now I am growing again. It's a great place to be. I wish you could be here with me. The door is open. Love, Greg
Recent E-mail Exchange with my Mother
by bavman 20 Replies latest jw experiences
I like the response email you sent.
The only thing that would have made it better is if You and ***(my sister) could have celebrated with us . Love,Mom
My parents say things like that all the time though not directly to me (usually I hear it through 2 of my siblings who occasionally I hear from). But I always wonder why they aren't able to understand it's them shutting me out not the other way around. -
Good job Greg, what you are proving is there's more then one way to skin a cat... being firm but kind is always best.
Great email Greg, I hope it gets your mum thinking.
good job man.
Great response.
Hey Bav.. Good for you for being honest. You also did it with respect for yourself and your parents. nice job
Hope you are well
Kind yet firm, I felt you were very loving. Is your sister out also ? Last week I did something I never thought I'd do. I thanked Jehovah that my children listened to their father and not to me, because they are not in the cult.I told them this and they were in total shock. My daughter kept mumbling "Hell froze over." As bad as this is going to get, at least I don't have that. I feel for all of you who have lost your families.
Maybe you and your sis could have a party and invite your folks. Do you think they would come? If you do, let us know the results.
It took my Mom a week but she did respond....
Dear Greg: It is too bad you didn't do more research before you made the decision to dedicate your life an get babtized. That's what we all do . Make sure of all things. I don't know who your referring to that pushed you into believing it or else but that's not the way We do things. If communication between both parties was done it could have saved much grief. Its hard to be a mind reader. Also, I don't know who or what your referring to as being dishonest but I know that's not how truth works either. I've never came across that all the years I've been in the truth. A person can do all the study they want of all religions. Theres only one true God(Jehovah) One Lord. One Bible. One faith. One Babtism. Eph.4: 5. If our beliefs are not based on Gods Word, "2 TIM.3: 14,15" their just a lot of refuse. Out Creator teaches us the right way and we must draw close to him and he will draw close to us. Mens teaching do not draw us close to Jehovah. Satan is the god of this system of things and he is making himself into an "angel of light". He knows he has a short time left. People of all cultures, walks of life are streaming to Jehovahs mountain. We are happy to be part of that too. Isa.2:2-4. Love Mom