Thank you, Smellsgood!
I wondered whether I should don my asbestos undies when I wrote that. I tried not to, but it just bugged me so I HAD to go back and put my oar in.
I try to be reasonable and at least recognize that other people have differing points of view.
Evolution vs creationism, I wasn't there, neither were the evolutionists.
Is there a God? Only only way to know for sure, but I can wait.
And to return to our topic, Global Warming...
It is interesting how believers cannot permit themselves to see non-believers as merely differing in opion, but as actually evil.
There is even a works program, Kyoto; which proponents all agree will only forestall environmental armageddon by a small degree and a short time, but involves huge transfers of power and mandates considerable control over how people live.
Besides the alarmism, I see many other very WTS-like tactics in use, guilt and shame come to mind.
They also frame the debate in such a way that they win as soon as you accept their terminology.
Saying that if you drive a Hummer, you are 'destroying the planet' is very much akin to saying that one 'does not believe in the bible' because they do not accept the WTS interpretation.
Rationalization seems to be in evidence as well, if there are hurricanes, it's global warming; if there are none, it's global warming.
Temperature goes up, it's global warming Temperature goes down, it's global warming.
Makes me feel as if I were in the Borg again.
Believe what you will about the issue, but take note of the tactics, anybody who has successfully escaped from the WTS would benefit themselves by recognizing zealotry in any form and resisting the heady satisfaction it can bring for fear of being swallowed whole by another mindset that may not be doubted or debated.
Why forsake honesty and truth for bondage?
Once you succumb to such tactics in the service of ANY cause, you have done just that.
For what it's worth,