If All Goes Well, I'll Be A Grandfather Today!

by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Humper
    The Humper

    well congrats, hope the mommy to be has a good recovery and doesnt tear. if its a c-section then i hope she is able to get up and walk around slowly after the first 12hrs, thats very important, plus shell need alot fo help. and i also hope the baby has high apgar scores. is this the first for mommy?

    i loved it when i worked post partum care. some of the best patients in the world.

  • KW13

    congrats grandad M'

  • minimus

    Well, Isabella is BEAUTIFUL!!! She weighs 9 ibs. 1 ounce. Healthy and alert and did I say BEAUTIFUL??

  • BFD

    Isabella! How beautiful, you must be very proud! Congratulations!


  • inbyathread

    And a beautiful name as well. Congrats.

  • minimus

    Thanks! I turned 51 yesterday and she was supposed to born then but today is a wonderful day! I never thought I'd be so happy being a "papa".

  • nvrgnbk

    I am thrilled for you minimus.

    to Isabella.

  • hubert

    I was waiting to hear the good news before offering any congratulations, Mimimus.

    You are going to love being a grandpa. I pick mine up at least one day every week, at school, and take her out for ice cream, or mac'd's, or where ever. We have a great time. It's like being a kid again.

    Congrats!, and Happy Birthday !

    Hope the Mommy is doing well.


  • lonelysheep

    Awww!!!! Congratulations, Minimus!!

    How is your daughter feeling?

  • minimus

    Thanks folks! Mommy is sore. She had a C section. But she's happy. last year she carried for a few months and she lost the baby.

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