Yesterday I bought a pair of jeans, and I don't take the same size as years ago. From 31 inch waist 10 years ago, I buy 33 inch waist jeans now.
A few years ago, I bought many pairs of jeans, and didn't wear them much, thinking I'd be the same weight all my
It doesnt take much extra weight so that a pair of jeans won't fit anymore and the button won't tie.
First reaction is to say, I'll lose 5 lbs and I'll fit in them, but then you realize you weighed 10 lbs less when you bought those jeans, so probably 5 lbs won't be good enough.
Then I realize that I was very slim back then, so why try to be very slim again in order to fit back into them.
But at 70 bucks a pair of jeans, and I have about 6 of them that are too tight now to wear.........
Maybe there will be a famine, like the bible predicts, and I'll fit into them again.....
So,this is my question to you guys, " Do you keep clothes that don't fit you anymore, thinking one day you'll fit into them again" ?