so the post from FireNBandits and the subsequent story reply had me thinking this would be a fun thread.
To start, I've copied a couple of the replies that were on that thread that had me dying laughing....and then one of my own. What's the greatest prank you pulled or you seen pulled on someone (or pulled on you?)... hope this brings smiles and lots of replies....
SnakesInTheTower (of the Prankster Sheep Class)
one time at my old work place, there was a VPs kid who did nothing. He constantly would forget to lock his workstation.
So we were always pulling pranks on him. Once we changed his mouse to a left handed mouse.
Another time a co-worker took a screen shot of his desktop and set it as the desktop picture. then he moved all of the icons to the edge of the screen. It was the funniest thing I have ever experienced at work. (except for translated korean emails)
He sat there for a long time not saying anything, just trying to get the programs to work. He kept double clicking and nothing happened.
He was trying to run some software like napster, so he didn't want to ask us for help. He didn't want to get in trouble.
for ours we generally will send out a firm wide e-mail that says "I" (the poster who did not lock their computer) brought in food and swing by and help yourself. You would think these people never got food unless it was brought in, because all of a sudden you see lines of people forming at the person's office/desk. We had to lay off for a while, because when the firm really did have food brought in, people thought it was a joke and stopped coming to the firm functions. There are only three of us who do it and it has stayed b/w us, so people still don't know the trouble makers, but they have kind of narrowed it down.
I got back at a supervisor once who was computer illiterate. They foolishly walked away from their computer and I went over and (went a lot further than metaspy) and went into Control Panel/Display/Desktop and changed all of the default elements to ALL BLACK. The person came back, thought the monitor was off....hit the on/off button a few times. kept hitting keys...beeping noises, so the computer was on....nothing...finally they hard booted (turned the computer on/off)...yep...default setting was ALL BLACK, so still nothing...I'm trying not to die laughing...had to go get coffee.... they still do were doing that... I came back, cuppa joe in hand, "whatsa matta?, why not call IT? looks like the computer is broke?"..still trying not snort coffee through my nose from laughing.....
They called IT....IT brought a boot disk and someother technical stuff I wont bore you with...took them hours to check something so simple as the Control Panel and fix the settings...
Supervisor got nothing else done that day....