Passionate topic.
If you have kids, when/ever is it okay to use a spanking as punishment? Did your parents spank you growing up?
Spanking. Useful Deterrent Or Child Abuse?
by Paralipomenon 18 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Repeatedly and forcefully. Who didn't get spanked at the KH? The lucky ones got taken outside or to the bathroom. (Wait, I think they told parents to stop taking the kids outside because the neighbors might see). I got spanked in the seat during the meeting, and Lord forbid I should make a sound about it.
As far as it's usefulness, I think up to a certain age, if the child is heading for something life-threatening (running into street, scaling the bookcase), a well-placed swat on the bottom is perfectly permissable.
I was spanked in public. Later, in private, I was whipped with a belt for the same infraction. Then, it was never a deterrent for me. Now I call it abuse.
Raising my children, they were spanked for very serious thing's, like playing with matches. My children are grown now and we have a better, and a fabulous relationship, compared to my dad and I.
The Bible does not agree with some modern views of child raising. For example, it shows that allowing a child to grow up according to its own whims and caprice is wrong and leads to crime. "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child." The literal use of the rod in punishing a child may sometimes be necessary; the Bible recognizes this: "Withhold not correction from the child; for if thou beat him with the rod, he will not die." But if left to his own devices the law of that time period demanded a rebellious child be put to death.....something to be learned in our day??
I think it depends on the child. When babysitting two brothers one year apart, I could just tell the one "Don't do that" and he would break down crying from displeasing you. He never needed to be spanked. His litte brother however would ignore admonition, smile at you and continue to do what you told him not to. So I would smack his hand. Then and only then would he stop. So one kid I think spanking would have been abuse to him because he took everything to heart, to the second child it was merely punishment.
A spanking is only necessary when something is happening that needs to stop immediately. This might involve a child that turns on the gas on your stove, playing with matches, running into the street without looking, or something where serious injury or property damage could result quickly. In those cases, a spanking's purpose would be to get the child to stop the potentially dangerous behavior at once.
However, spankings for such things as not sitting still at the meetings, disobeying and not doing a job, or for mistakes made in presentations are not called for. In these cases, even if the action was willful and rebellious, a spanking is not the preferred method of punishment. Neither is further spanking for an urgent situation once it is under control. Of course, beatings are absolutely never called for--and that means no wooden spoons allowed in the Kingdumb Hell.
For most transgressions where serious injury and/or property damage is not at stake, other punishment is more appropriate. Often, sitting in a corner for a time will do more to deter a behavior than a spanking--especially when there is a fight going on. Sometimes, like when the infraction is refusal to do a chore, it could mean no fun until the chore is completed, or getting additional chores added until the child at least makes a serious attempt to complete them. In certain cases (like not sitting still through a meeting), it might be that the expected behavior is not reasonable, and any punishment would be inappropriate. Perhaps the best "punishment" in these cases would be not going to the Kingdumb Hell or out in service.
Their is a difference in spanking and abuse.
My siblings and I were beat!!!! sometimes to the point of bleeding!!! My brother once was beat because he forgot to stir the "beans" and they burned, he had open bleeding sore on his back from that one. My legs were always bruised from pinches at the kingdumb hall for falling asleep, or not paying attention!
My children were spanked, when needed and I did not have to spank for everything or anything. Example: when my oldest son was 1 1/2 he thought it was cute to slap me in the face, I told him no and he laughed. He did it again and I swatted him on his thigh and said no, do not hit mommy! in a firm tone. He stopped!
I don't remember any of my children needing a spanking after say age 2-3, neither did I have to endure a child that threw temper tantrums, talked back, hit, punched, kick or spit at me or any adult!
I could go out in public without fear that my child would embarrass me, or would I have to leave because of their misbehavior.
The atmosphere at a Kingdom Hall..Is not complete without some toddler screaming,because some idiot parent is beating the sh*t out of it...OUTLAW
Due to the fact that I believe that most elders are expressing their inner child when they admonish and punish innocents (JC's ), I think the proper and sound action against these demoralizing and singular minded control freaks is nothing less than 30 swipes across the bare buttocks with a water soaked cane.
I believe this will, without doubt, make them think before spanking their own kids. ( I'll volunteer )
One of the reasons I'm so adament about this is that I've witnessed men pinching their two year old children into silent submission during Sunday morning meetings. How sick is that ?
Didn't we just have an excellent topic on this recently?
So when was the last time your supervisor spanked you for making a mistake at work?
Why not? What would you do? (S-Ms need not answer )