There are 3 current threads that say these very things. (OK, the one about Armageddon says it will come within days or weeks--not months--so that means June 2007.)
Seems to me this is whipping up into a paranoia bigger than the 1980s apostate scare, bigger than they've ever seen before.
What's this all about? Do you think this is a means to divert attention away from the child molestation settlements?
And what impact do you think this will have on the flock? Are they preparing to drink the Kool-Aid? (If you don't know what that is, Google "Jonestown".) I'm getting a little concerned that my relatives will take drastic measures based upon all this nonsense.
No lit for ex-jws, big A coming in June, apostate warning--what's going on?
by rebel8 50 Replies latest jw friends
oh no, its 1975 all over again... lets go get our 100000000000000 dollar credit cards, because we wont have to pay it off!
the infamous one
I think deep down inside even the die hard JW's know it's a load of crap. I don't think they will do anything drastic, except bug the hell out of non and ex JW's.
According to the House of Yahweh, the big A will indeed come in June. On the 12th of June, in fact. And they must be right, cause they use God's name, they have their own Bible translation which is the most accurate there is, they are mentioned in Bible prophecies, only members of this organisation will be saved, AND they have patented the next Temple. :) -
So Armageddon will be here in June? I wonder when I heard a similar line--like Armageddon being here for October 1914 and October 1975. Where do they get it from this time? Or, perhaps this is when they are finally going from being a cult that is very dangerous to being one that is superlatively dangerous. Notably, when cults pronounce the end on very short notice and start closing the doors to those who have left, they have to be somewhere near absolute control, like Waco and the Kool-Aid.
Only this time, instead of the bomb or poison, they are going to seize absolute control of people's lives. Now, the ban on entertainment that they resolved last summer is starting to look like reality. I can see people spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, either in a Kingdumb Hell or out in service of some kind. No sleep. No breaks of any kind for any reason. Just screeching around in the misery trying to get everyone involved in the cult and going to all those meetings.
nah, too early someting is fishy though. June 2008 makes sence.
the big A will indeed come in June. On the 12th of June, in fact
Oh no. Ive got a kid at school im putting in for a national maths challenge on June 12th. Does this mean he doesnt need to revise?
I missed the last two threads........cant find em, ya got links?
Yep that's right. It was all going down in October 1975.
It's such a bunch of crapola. People are getting wore down and worn out. They have to keep this notion of an "end" very near to keep them prodded along. It's sad.
June 12, 2007? Now this is starting to sound like those cults that they so happily bashed for predicting the end and then holing the members up waiting for that hour. The time came and went. And what became of the cult? I sure hope that this means that, on June 13, 2007, the Watchtower Society will be no more. And that is next Wednesday. We will be watching to see if June 13 comes and nothing happens.