Think about this.
Go way back...far far back in history.
Go back before the Internet. Go back farther.
Go back before newspapers, TV and radio.
Go waaaaay back before there was public education.
Return to a time when there were no Universities or libraries.
Go even farther back in time and return to when it was thousands of years before any Modern era.
People got their ideas from their families and neighbors PERIOD!
Everything was rumor. Everything was imagination, guesswork and superstitious reasoning.
How far back are you now? You are back to a point when you cannot PROVE anything. The person with the outrageous story, fable, idea or concept is the communicator of the MYSTICAL SENSE of how the world works.
Your local shaman, priest, rabbi, prophet, sage or witch doctor is your ONE SOURCE of "information" about the UNseen world.
There, my friends, THERE IS WHERE YOU'LL FIND GOD!
As mankind began finding a way to PROVE assertions God began to grow smaller and smaller.
As mankind invented logic, reasoning and science God shrank and grew fainter.
By the time Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great and Greece conquered the known world it was only THE GREEK PASSION FOR KNOWLEDGE that stood against the backward religious myths of indigenous peoples.
Suddenly, the God bubble popped very loudly! POP!
By the end of the Book of Malachi there is a deafening silence from "God".
By the time stories of Jesus circulated we have a wandering Rabbi filling the shoes of a latter day SOCRATES.
Jesus is a thinly disguised Socrates in his manner of teaching.
Pagan ideas, Platonic patterns and Gnostic speculations flavored the soup of Messianic passions.
God has gone where the unicorns have gone and the fairies and minotaurs and demigods of old.
GOD was the best idea men could come up with before they really KNEW anything real.
God is invisible today and silent. Only hand puppets speak for him.
Believe at your own risk. The hand inside the puppet is reaching for your mind and your servitude.