Examples... hmmm... well, see, it's not that easy. The best advice I can give is to go read 20 random posts from JamesThomas (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/member/7427/default.ashx). Do the same for poppers (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/member/12671/default.ashx). Then get the book The Power of Now and read it thru, slowly.
It's not something I can point to and say "there it is!". Here's one small example, from a recent post by JT:
I don't know about today's Indians, but my sense is that those who came before had no need of a book about God, for they had an intimate marrage with the present moment of nature and life. Whereas the western mind would rather read about a tree than actually sit silent and respectful with one and open to its secrets.
It almost sounds hokey when you read any one post, like "In order to defeat your enemies, you must first defeat yourself" -- that sort of thing. But after you consider it, and apply it (and even that's not the right word), it starts to make sense.
The general idea is that YOU are not YOUR THOUGHTS. Your thoughts are products of your mind, which is also not you. You are the present, living organism that uses the mind and body to accomplish necessary tasks. When you stop your thoughts, silence the nearly-constantly running background noise of your mind, and let yourself simply exist in the present moment... well, it's a wonderful feeling. It's worth pursuing. (Which again, isn't the right word.) 
It's not about "the soul", and it may all be a metaphor in the end. But it's a powerful, useful metaphor.
I don't mean to evangelize here, this thread isn't about that. I've only noticed what appeared to be a trend and wanted to see if anyone else had noticed it, and indeed if it was a trend at all. (After all, you only see thing in the clouds that are already on your mind)