Did you suffer any PHYSICAL impairments DUE to the jdubs?

by sinis 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Run,dont walk!
    Run,dont walk!

    lol, you crack me up!

  • VanillaMocha73

    Bookbag shoulder, anyone?
    And how about "Oh, our daughter shouldn't go through back surgery, Armageddon will be here before she grows up anyway?"

  • R.F.

    constant headaches from meetings.

  • rebel8

    I have chronic pain in my joints and muscles because my bleeds went untreated, possibly damage to internal organs too. Some of these things were preventable and almost all were treatable with methods other than blood, but I was denied these things too, because all doctors are from Satan, lie and trick you. (big eye roll)

    I may have some damage to my nasal passages too because my nosebleeds were (mis)treated by cautery a few hundred times instead of standard, safer methods.

    Oh, and let me not forget, some of my muscle damage is probably due to my mother "not sparing the rod" as commanded, followed by the neglect of injury care involving muscle bleeds.

    I had an untreated bladder infection that went into my kidneys, I don't know how I didn't die or something. I was told I didn't deserve care, because the ONLY way a girl gets such infections is from sex. I was in my early teens at the time, and if you knew me back then, you would know how outlandish the accusation was. I was at the assembly, got into trouble for cutting ahead in line at the ladies' room and my toxic wackjob of a mother refused to stop & let me go to the bathroom on the way home. If you've ever had one of these you KNOW how torturous it would be to have to HOLD it for 4+ hours.

    Oh, and 3 car accidents while in field service has left me with lots of pain.

    I could go on.........

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    As a kid growing up in the WWCG (Armstrong), much like JWs we thought doctors were evil, not to be trusted, worldly, etc. The nearest congregation for us to attend services was about 1 and 1/2 hours away by car. I frequently got carsick, especially if made to read while in a moving car (articles of the Plain Truth, a common practice to 'not waste any potential time' by parents). Eventually they did take me to a doctor, who suggested I have my tonsils removed. It didn't work. Still get carsick to this day if I try to read in a moving vehicle. While I can't attribute this directly to the WWCG, it was the underlying cause, and medical thinking has changed since the 70s, tonsils may be an important part of the immune system-which I no longer have.

    At about 11 or 12 years old, I became very ill...bedridden, fever, severe joint pains; so much so that I had to use crutches for a week or so. Never went to the doctor, though I was taken to the elders to be prayed for and annointed with oil *rolls eyes*. My father suspected it was rheumatic fever, if he was right, that can have lasting effects and damage. Since I wasn't diagnosed by a doctor as having it though, it's not in my medical records, and in fact when I joined the military I was specifically told by the recruiter to not list it as a 'previous medical condition' because it would automatically disqualify me, and there was no proof I had it.

    I'm not technically 'obese' by the medical definition, but I am overweight (6' 225 lbs). I have some very bad eating habits, and tend to binge eat on occasion. I think much of this stems from all the many fasts that I had to go on as a child in the WWCG, I learned at an early age to stuff myself before a fast, and often did so again after the fast was over.

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