Really Now - NO Treachery?

by compound complex 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Was it an article in the 15 July 2006 Watchtower wherein it is stated that Jehovah, Jesus Christ, the holy spirit and the loving spiritual shepherds would not permit treachery to occur within the Christian congregation?
    If so, why have my JWs been defrauded and deceived - with WT sanction, some cases being brought to their attention - with regard to large sums of money, not to mention other assorted atrocities?
    I know the answer to the latter question, but now it's my turn to vent!

    CoCo Enraged

  • Paralipomenon

    Ah, you misunderstand treachery.

    Treachery is speaking out against the Faithful and Discrete Slave. And no, that is not tolerated.

    That other stuff if fraud. Fraud is a different department, sorry.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings Paralipomenon,

    Thank you for your reply; perhaps there is that distinction peculiar to one's view of the FDS.
    I looked up the definition of treachery and, specifically, it is treason/a violation of faith and confidence. In a more general sense, I am given to understand from the WT that wrongdoing simply cannot get a foothold in the congregation, what with all those heavenly Monitors about.
    Any thoughts or experiences along this line?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease:

    I'll keep trying - does anyone have the above WT and know the name of the article where this quotation is located? And your take on the fact and fiction about 'no treachery' in the congregation?

    Thank you!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    A friend found this information for me, from the 15 July 2006 WT, page 21, paragraph 10:

    The article in question is "Focus on the Goodness of Jehovah's Organization." Mention, too, is made of all the good work the FDS, represented by the Governing Body, does on behalf of the Congregation.

    Your thoughts on the "goodness of Jehovah's organization" and its "treachery-free" environment?


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    It was very hard to sit through this Watchtower study (really, they are ALL hard to sit through). This whole article was trying to explain away the errors of the GB. You'll just love this paragraph:




    Emanuel, for instance, was a Witness who found fault with some things he read in publications of "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45) He stopped reading our Christian literature and eventually told the elders of the local congregation that he no longer wished to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Within a short time, however, Emanuel came to realize that the teachings of Jehovah’s organization were correct after all. He contacted the Witnesses, admitted his mistake, and was reinstated as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a result, he again became a happy man.

  • Quandry

    Yes, here is picture of the young man that is happy now that he again believes everything the WTS teaches. Aren't we all happy for him?

    .A Borg drone of Klingon origin

  • eclipse
    He stopped reading our Christian literature and eventually told the elders of the local congregation that he no longer wished to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Within a short time, however, Emanuel came to realize that the teachings of Jehovah’s organization were correct after all. He contacted the Witnesses, admitted his mistake, and was reinstated as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. As a result, he again became a happy man.

    At first I thought, they were making up a bullshit story, then I thought, I bet Emanuel missed his family....

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Good Friends, for your help!


    Yes, the WT study articles are difficult to get through, but for the annotative assistance of our resident Study Conductor, B. Thank you for the reference material, which I obviously did not have in hand.


    Has Emanuel actually been assimilated?!? I am given to understand that resistance is futile. His looks have changed from what I remember of him, yet, somehow, I cannot quite put my finger on it.


    Oh, yes, it is indeed a true story! Emanuel is the resident WT spokesman, upon whose every word we fall. One man's testimony surely has the power to sway the masses of critical thinkers who are making sure of all things and holding fast to what is fine.

    Thank you for your collective insight - bringing order to chaos!

    CoCo de la Re'sistance

  • UnConfused

    Talk is cheap and the WT is all talk when it comes to truthiness

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