Paris Hilton sent back to jail

by free2beme 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    They sent Paris Hilton back to jail. As I have expressed on here many time, Paris Hilton is my least favorite of the Hollywood people. So, seeing her escorted from the court to the police car like a common criminal, while she yelled for her mother, ......

    Money should never be allowed to buy justice.

  • bigdreaux

    hell yeah. i loved what the d.a. said about not allowing celebrities get away with stuff the average person can't. she could have killed someone. i mean, 3 times? that's ridiculous. here in new orleans, we are a huge drinking town, that's basically all we do, lol but, if you get caught 1 time with a d.u.i. here, that's your ass. they don't play around with that here. better get a cab.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    There is a god!

  • Sparkplug

    I think it is awsome! Just freaking awsome.

  • bebu

    If the sentence was fair, then she should serve it.

    The "medical condition" she claims to have likely is pretty common for a person being sentenced to jail--mega stress! But, if no one else is getting home monitoring because of stress, neither should she.

    Hopefully, jail time will make her grow up.

    (But instead, she'll probably write a book... )


  • Sparkplug
    Hopefully, jail time will make her grow up.

    that is what I was hoping...

  • hillary_step

    For Lords sakes why not just leave the mutt in peace?

    In some ways I am sensing in the moral outrage and public blood-letting that is going on, overtones of the ridiculous global hysteria that prevailed when Princess Diana died . Everybody who had ever lost someone close to them in death transferred their grief, past and present, into this one public personna and wept like babies with itchy nappies.

    Here we have a spoiled, semi-educated little rich girl, with a sort of manufactured beauty, whom everybody hates because they are jealous of her and would sell themselves like $5.00 hookers to have what she has if given a chance. The public outrage visited on her for acting like the dumb-ass she obviously is, seems affected and manufactured in the face of pure green envy.

    Don't you think all this a bridge too far?

    Switch off your TV's and mow the lawn.


  • sandy

    There is a tiny part of me that feels a little (VERY LIttle) sorry for her. But I am glad that she was sent back to Jail. This girl needs to learn a lesson. She is not above the law and her parents can't bail her out of this one. Maybe this will knock some sense into, but I doubt it. OMG the pic of her crying in the police car. LOL That really is priceless. I feel a little guilty about enjoying seeing her suffer. Maybe I really don't feel sorry for her.

  • SixofNine

    Geez Hillary, why all the hate? With a name like "Paris", and "Hilton", I'd think she'd garner some support from a man of the world such as yourself. (btw, I've seen her having sex; pm me for details and comparisons to JWD'ers I've seen having sex).

    A poem, for you, Paris. For. you:

    I Know Why the Caged Bird Dances (by Six of Nein!)

    The caged bird
    dances because: there is
    a little caged cowboy drunk off his ass
    (and feeling big)
    shooting at the ground around her
    little caged bird claws and
    screaming "dance, bird, dance!" the po' tree in my angel's loo: they paint these walls to cover my pen, but the water closet poet has struck again.

  • hillary_step


    lol....Thank you for the poem.

    There is nothing quite as ugly as a self-righteous mob hunting for the gizzards of the person they wish to be....except maybe Michael Moore in leotards.


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