A friend/co-worker of mine who is an inactive dub told me today that the old hall I went to is getting a new roof. However, he was upset because only "special" people are being allowed to work on it (himself not included, nor his active, in good-standing father). It seems you have to be "invited" to work on your own Kingdom Hall roof now. I knew people working on quick-builds had to be part of the in-crowd but I hadn't heard about this applying to your own hall before. Geez! What is behind this anyway? Legal issues, or what? Anyway, it's too bad because I actually have many fond memories of working on halls (barn-raising style). Just another example of the heart and soul being lost in JW land. Perhaps it's just getting that way all over though...Hmmmm....wonder if the Amish are having these problems?
Roof Repair-Could Any Brothers Give a Hand?
by bavman 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wordly Andre
The Amish are freaking cool
but all I know about them have been by way of Weird Al
haha........living in an amish paradise,
Captain James Cook got all his crew to eat sauerkraut (to prevent scurvy) by telling them that it was strictly for officers only. Same thing here - make it a special privilege to provide free labour, and they'll all be scrambling to do it.
Locutus of Borg
I had a similar thing happen back in the Oneida, NY congregation.
It was one of a number of things that screamed to me that there is something fundamentaly wrong with the group-think in this organization.
The sign out front was one of those wooden ones with wooden letters cut out and tacked on. A nice looking sign except it was in pretty bad shape and some letters were missing.
I was new and eager and being a handy guy with previous signmaking experience, and concerned with the "witless" that our shoddy sign was giving I took it upon myself to anonymously rectify the situation. It would only take seconds to measure the letter size on the sign and determine the font, then home to cut & stain the plywood letters, then maybe 10 minutes back onsite to attach the missing letters. Easy to remain anonymous and do a good deed right? Wrong.
I don't to this day know how, but someone saw me measuring the letters (this was on a weekday about 11:00AM), called one of the elders (I will NOT capitalize that term) and while I was home cutting the new letters THE uberfine elder shows up at my house. You would have thought I was caught giving Beelzebub himself a BJ on the stage at the KH. That guy ripped a chunk off me about running ahead, gods org doesn't do thing like this etc. . . I was crushed and humiliated. Just one of the many incidents that make up the whole of why they are nothing but a heartless Kult.
I have MANY similar examples but they need their own threads.
This illustrates well that the org is all about power and control. Can you imagine Jesus behaving like that elder? No, he would have raced over, rolled up his sleeves and said, "GREAT IDEA! How can I help you, brother?"
Locutus - just great! - You would have thought I was caught giving Beelzebub himself a BJ on the stage at the KH.
You did and I did, and the rest of us did. At least we know it.
Yes, a heartless Kult.
That guy ripped a chunk off me about running ahead, gods org doesn't do thing like this etc. . . I was crushed and humiliated.
So I guess God's Org doesn't mind a sign that says Kin do H ll of eh va 's itn ss s - that's not a "bad witness"??
By taking the initiative what you did was make the elders™ look bad to the person who saw you measuring for the new lettering. Elders are normal guys just like anyone else - they've got jobs and families and JW responsibilities - fixing a sign that isn't even their sign isn't a high priority.
And they wonder why nobody shows up on the weekends to mow the lawn or clean the toilets and vacuum the Kingdom Hall. Really, Locutus, he did you a favor by showing the Org's sallow pathetic underbelly.
How did he justify that scripturally ???
"Do your good works in private" ?
Or was it just an "org directive" ?
Locutus of Borg
"How did he justify that scripturally ???"
He didn't. He just said something like "You just can't take it upon yourself to do this sort of thing"
I could write threads all day about this guy, typical control freak mutt. One time he refused to study with me when I would not underline the answere in the study book, he just got up and left. I explained that I did not like to deface a book because I had a revence for them, and that he could be sure that I was prepared (I had handwritten notes with me every study) it was all about control. I think he was a closet case because he quite often mentioned how many times homosexuals hit on him. BC, if you are reading this . F**k You.
Wish I had time to post as much as some of you, I have some really good stories about these freaks.
Hope I didn't hijack this thread.
peace \/