The Day Has Arrived

by concerned x 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • concerned x
    concerned x

    Two months ago I stepped down as an elder in the cong, it was a tremdous relief although a shock to the cong. Two and a half days ago I sent in a letter of explaination concerning why I wanted to step down and why I will be absent from the KH. It only took two and a half days for the accusation of apostasy to be made against me.

    I tried to make the move out as simple and clean as possible with the least amount of hurt for others but I now realize that is a difficult task due to the indoctrination of those still inside.

    I will bravely start my life over dispite my knowing there will still be ups and downs, but although I have not been a poster here on JWD I would still like to thank all for the information that freely flows through these posts. I have been looking, reading and absorbing it all and even though you haven't heard from me know that your efforts are very much appreciated.

    concerned X

  • purplesofa

    Welcome to the Board and hope to hear more from you


  • blondie

    So what is their proof of "apostasy." Even with that the have to have "two witnesses." When wanting to leave quietly, you have to be quiet...

    Blondie (fading so far, 5 years)

  • bigdreaux

    welcome to the board!!!! hope you find it as encouraging as i have.

  • brunnhilde

    Welcome. May your healing be swift and your escape sure and safe.

  • concerned x
    concerned x

    Thank you for your welcome to the board, it is appreciated.

    To answer blondies question: There is no evidence of apostasy just my voicing a question of the GB's credibility, which is a no no. Some time ago I posted a link to a study I did concerning the GB and the claim of a 1st century connection to authority. I released that study to my PO this week and although he is understanding of my concerns it is obvious that you just cannot do such a thing. Thus, the accussations.


  • neverendingjourney

    Glad to have you aboard, concerned x. I read the discussion boards for several months before I decided to start posting myself. I think you know as well as we do that a lynch mob is being gathered, and they're very likely going to go after you with all they got. I hope you're prepared for the results.

    Regardless, you showed courage by standing up for your beliefs. You have a community here that's ready, willing and able to provide the moral support to help you through your trials. Many of us are going through similar experiences ourselves. Again, welcome.

  • sass_my_frass

    Sorry to hear of the pain you're going through now. Don't give them too much capacity to hurt you. If a god was in any way attached to them, the first thing you'd get when you raise questions and concerns is support and answers. JWs shoot their wounded.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Concerned X,

    WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!!! Wow!! I really admire your strength and courage!! And I also admire your desire to do what is right! Thank you so much for coming out and letting us know that you were helped by the information that is being posted here. For many of us, it is our goal to try and forward onto as many as we can the things that have helped us that were shared by others. Regardless of the final decision each person makes after getting all the facts is up to them. But I think it is up to each and everyone of us who have been helped by someone else to forward what was shared. By posting what and where we have found information will make it all the more easier for those who are searching to find it. We look forward to hear more from you and your story. It is a journey, that is for sure. It is like one of my favorite quotes.. it goes something like this.."'s not the end in the road, but only a bend in the road. Unless you refuse to make the turn." I am sure you will make many friends here who will understand your stages of healing and can have empathy for your journey. Again...WELCOME!


    Lady Liberty

  • BlackPearl

    Welcome X. Yes, apostacy is the first thing they'll grab for. It's the only way they can react to your leaving. It's a pre-canned reaction.


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