What Do You Think of Lying?

by Sarah Smiles 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • proplog2

    The one thing I can trust about anyone is that they frequently lie. You could not have society without lying. This can be fabrication and embellishment of stories we tell - all the way to cover ups of misdeeds.

    I would love to see how many people would consent to a lie detector test for our simple lies:

    Do you wash your hands after going to the bathroom.

    Do you pick your nose on occasion and "put it somewhere".

    Do you ever double dip?

    Do you drink out of the family juice bottle instead of pouring a glass?

    Do you look in people's medicine cabinet?

    If you are a guest in someone's house and they aren't home do you take a "personal" tour?

    Some scientists think our big brains developed specifically to conceal information from our social groups.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    After a forty year association with the WT, I was placed in a corner: Lie as a pledge of loyalty or be DFed for apostasy.

    The willingness to lie is a needed quality of an intelligent, aggressive JW as they will "rush ahead of the Org" (they realize an error) and, then, must lie to allow the Org to "catch up."

    This is why I view the JWs as children of Satan. Those that "come out of the family" end up labeled "apostates." As I told one brother: "A Truth Seeker and a God Lover will, eventially, be kicked out of the Org."

    Welcome to the world of sanity, good sense, and a loving embrace.


  • blondie

    Anyone who says they never "lie, " is lying or has a different definition of what a lie and lying is. Some people believe their own lies and think they are the truth.

    Only dead people tell no lies.

    But that is not an excuse to deliberately tell lies, mislead, misrepresent.


    I am different from Washington; I have a higher, grander standard of principle. Washington could not lie. I can lie, but I won't. ~Mark Twain

  • bigdreaux

    everything i say is a lie................except that..........and that...............and that..............and that.........

  • proplog2

    Occasionally you have to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me god. Lying under oath has to carry a risk that helps avoid a greater harm.

  • SixofNine

    Until a person is willing to stop lying to themselves (the most brutal honesty of all), they are not really qualified to talk about honesty in regards others. And one of the first lies-to-oneself one has to kill, is the lie that you are as honest as you want to think you are.

    There is the classic "does my ass look fat" dilemma, but letting the little-white-lies you've been telling yourself your entire life become bigger, less innocent, and basically who-you-are is the real danger to yourself and others. If you won't give (or take) reality to yourself, then you certainly aren't going to care all that much about giving reality to others.... even though you may seldom actually "lie" to others in the strictest sense of the word.

    I wasn't "lying" when I told people that Christ returned in 1914, but I certainly hadn't been honest with myself about how I'd come to that conclusion. A partner of mine wasn't "lying" when she said "I just don't see how someone can do that to their partner... I would never do that.." (in regards to cheating), when in fact she had done something similar to me just six months prior.

  • SixofNine

    Great Mark Twain quote, Blondie. What a brilliant, ethical, funny philosopher.

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    Good post.


  • Terry


    Good post.


    Thanks Vern. There is only one sin and that is stealing.

    When you murder you steal all a person has or ever would have.

    We you lie you steal reality and the right to know.

    We you commit adultry you steal the trust between two committed lives, etc.

  • Hortensia

    Do you wash your hands after going to the bathroom. Yes. Germ phobic

    Do you pick your nose on occasion and "put it somewhere". No. Germ phobic

    Do you ever double dip? No. Germ phobic

    Do you drink out of the family juice bottle instead of pouring a glass? No. Germ phobic

    Do you look in people's medicine cabinet? No. Not interested.

    If you are a guest in someone's house and they aren't home do you take a "personal" tour? No. Jehovah, the angels, Satan, the demons, and the people on the television are all watching me - I wouldn't dare.

    Do I pass?

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