SICKO- Michael Moore asking for YOUR heath care stories

by wednesday 11 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wednesday

    if you have a heath care story now you can be heard. Michael Moore wants anyone with a story to video it and he'll post it on the you tube site.

    This sounds like a great idea to sound off.

    His movie comes out June 29.

  • Crumpet

    haha - i thought for a moment there you were calling Mr Moore a sicko for doing a programme on healthcare!

  • Scully

    Maybe we should get a collection of blood transfusion related stories - how people have died or come close to dying from following the WTS's instructions.

    That would be an interesting documentary if he did it.

  • MinisterAmos

    What he wants is a collection of hard-luck stories about people who sold the family farm or were forced into bankruptcy because they got sick and were without insurance. A friend at work knows a 35 yo guy with an EMBOLISM and blood clot in his leg who is going to die because no Surgeon will treat him without cash up-front. He has an ad in the paper right now trying to sell his car to put together the $5K deposit the cheapest Surgeon/Hospital combination demanded

  • wednesday

    yes, any and all health care stories. He'll put them up on you tube

    He had so much trouble making this movie b/c the health care industry "black balled " and threatened their members if they talked to him. (this is true, )

    so now that the movie is made, maybe people who would not have said anything previously will talk now.

    we can hope.

  • wednesday

    well, hard luck is hard luck. many people end up losing their home due to medical bills. I had to use the legal system myself due to an incredible amount of medical bills.

  • wednesday

    just wanted to btt so that if any had not seen his offer , they can view it for themselves

  • UnConfused

    Yes, I had cancer that cost $60,000 to treat and it didn't cost me even $500 above my insurance payments.

    When I had my knee operated on and the insurance company didn't cover much I appealed it and won and got 90% of it paid for.

    We've had two children and not paid a red cent.

  • sammielee24

    Michael Moore has also been Oprah and she is urging people to see this movie - its one of her pet projects for the year I understand and I say 'good for her and Michael Moore'!!!!!

    There is also a rally for the Health Care Now org in Sacramento for next Tuesday and he is going to be there as well. Even hard core republicans that have run screaming from the issues are now starting to wake up and realize that the country is in a real mess with it's health care system. Can't wait to see the movie!


  • Mysterious

    I actually saw a poster for this today by the theatre. First I had heard of it which is weird for me. It should be interesting if it's anything like his other movies though I have already seen a lot of heathcare exposés through class especially.

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