If someone offerred you one wish to change your life ...

by zagor 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • misanthropic
    getting back in shape sucks. I think I would have kept it in better shape...

    What are you talking about? I saw the apostafest pictures. You have a very nice figure, and you looked great in those jeans if you don't mind me sayin ;)

  • gaiagirl

    I'd like to know what I know now, but NOT accept the invitation to that first Memorial.

  • TopHat

    Do you mean if a human offered...that would be a very special and powerful human.

  • Seeker4

    A ton of ideas came into my head, like many of the above: going back in time, etc. But then I would have missed a lot of the things that have made my life pretty terrific.

    No, when I thought about it more deeply, I think there is one thing that would make the biggest difference: I would ask for COMPLETE AND TOTAL SELF-DISCIPLINE.

    Get up at six every morning and run and workout? No problem. Solves Sparkplug's desire to be in shape with the body of her youth.

    Write every day on my various projects? No problem. Solves the dilemma of the career and talents not yet fully explored.

    Eat the right foods and not too much? No problem. Again, a health and weight issue solved. See the first point above.

    Don't over drink? No problem. Ends the issue that the majority of regretted decisions in my life were made under the influence of too much alcohol.

    Projects around the house? No problem. All completed in a timely manner.

    See my point? Think of how many things you'd like to change in your life, and how many of them would be resolved if we just had total control of ourselves.


  • J-ex-W
    would have gone to the Spanish-language immersion school in Cuernavaca

    GentlyFeral---------- I have a school friend who went there, just a couple years ago. He was a Teaching English as a Second Language major. I was really proud of him for taking on that adventure!

  • Sparkplug
    Get up at six every morning and run and workout? No problem. Solves Sparkplug's desire to be in shape with the body of her youth.

    check check! Working on it...have to.

  • changeling

    I wish my mom would have never become a JW and thus altered the path of my familiy's life forever. If I could not have that wish, then I wish I would have faded when my children were small and spared them the torture they went through.

  • blondie

    When I was younger, a child I used to wish I had never been born...that my parents had never met or died before having children.

    Then I thought I had to change them to change me.

    Solomon prayed for wisdom and it didn't do him much good.

    Paul prayed for God to take away his affliction.......no deal.

    The past is over and can't be changed.

    The future has not happened to be changed.

    The present is the only moment you are alive. Don't waste it.


  • zagor
    The present is the only moment you are alive. Don't waste it.

    so true ....

    Thank you everyone for your comments, come to think of it now the only thing I really regret is not spending more time with my little one, especially after this morning's news.

  • greendawn

    I would like to spiritualise my existence, to have a human body but get rid of some of its needs ie food and sex so I will be able to concentrate on spiritual/intellectual issues. Otherwise I would like to travel in time to live and experience all history in a personal way.

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