actually in california the boss would put the kaput on that w/ the first complaint.
reminded me when i did a temp job about 7 years ago and i had a goatee, and a lady had a jw calendar on her wall and i was being nice and asked her what k. hall she went too and she told me and i knew a bunch of people from there. and she flipped out on me b/c i had facial hair and said i should go back to meetings and all this stuff. it's amazing how non-christian this supposed christian religion is. i doubt jesus would've flipped out on me for having a beard....he probably would've asked for tips on how to shape it to make him look thinner. seriously, he would've talked like a normal person to me, why can't a jw be normal? oh yeah, first rule of jws, pick the straw out of your brother's eye and show it to everyone and jump up and down and get that glassy-eyed self righteous look.
another one of the many reasons i left, i couldn't have a normal conversation with 90% of them b/c they were all on guard and paranoid since i was the 'irregular guy'. reminds me i need to read "1984" again.
sorry to hear you were stuck w/ that idiocy.