JW Convention week...pure hades.

by Sparkplug 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    The JW lady I work with went to summer convention last week and the following days were pure sheeeeitE. All week I could hear her a row over trying to fill everyone with her crazy spirit. I could not find my MP# until Thursday and by then I was totally pissed off. I get so sick of 8 hour informal witnessing each day.

    Do any of you have to deal with a hypocritical JW at work. Spouting racism and gossip out of one side of her mouth and JW bullcrap out her bumm every chance she gets.

  • Crumpet

    I'd be tempted to throw in some sarcasm there or ask her for her response to the hush money paid by their organisation to silence abuse victims....loudly in front of everyone!

  • Sparkplug
    I'd be tempted to throw in some sarcasm there or ask her for her response to the hush money paid by their organisation to silence abuse victims....loudly in front of everyone!

    You know...I am all the time tempted, but she has her head shoved so far up the bosses bumm that it just makes life worse for me. Amazing how they buy her bullsheet.

  • NeonMadman

    Start asking her questions about the organization's false prophcies, rejected teachings, pedophile sitution, involvement with the "image of the beast" (UN), etc. After the first few questions, she probaby won't bother you any more.

  • carla

    Start leaving antiwitness literature in the break room and bathroom. Nothing shuts up a jw faster than the Silentlambs one asking if Jehovah Witnesses are a pedophile paradise. If she finds out it was you make a deal with her, no more jw preaching and you will stop leaving anti witness articles around. You could even start a theme going, one week it is all about jw's who murder their families, then go to the shunning site and print out a few of those stories, etc... You can always pretend ignorance or exclaim, 'is that where I left that? all your talk about the jw's got me to researching them. Would you like to my printouts when I'm done?'

  • mtsgrad


    Why not accept a Bible Study?

  • Hortensia

    why not tell her you don't want to waste company time talking religion - put her in the wrong and then walk away. Keep repeating it when necessary. Others may benefit from your example.

  • misanthropic
    why not tell her you don't want to waste company time talking religion - put her in the wrong and then walk away. Keep repeating it when necessary. Others may benefit from your example.

    That's a great idea.

  • theMartian

    "Do any of you have to deal with a hypocritical JW at work. Spouting racism and gossip out of one side of her mouth and JW bullcrap out her bumm every chance she gets"

    MFM: I'd tell her to go to a Baptist Church where she BELONGS!


  • monophonic

    actually in california the boss would put the kaput on that w/ the first complaint.

    reminded me when i did a temp job about 7 years ago and i had a goatee, and a lady had a jw calendar on her wall and i was being nice and asked her what k. hall she went too and she told me and i knew a bunch of people from there. and she flipped out on me b/c i had facial hair and said i should go back to meetings and all this stuff. it's amazing how non-christian this supposed christian religion is. i doubt jesus would've flipped out on me for having a beard....he probably would've asked for tips on how to shape it to make him look thinner. seriously, he would've talked like a normal person to me, why can't a jw be normal? oh yeah, first rule of jws, pick the straw out of your brother's eye and show it to everyone and jump up and down and get that glassy-eyed self righteous look.

    another one of the many reasons i left, i couldn't have a normal conversation with 90% of them b/c they were all on guard and paranoid since i was the 'irregular guy'. reminds me i need to read "1984" again.

    sorry to hear you were stuck w/ that idiocy.

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