How many baptized Witnesses were told that they could not be baptized until they had served for a time as unbaptized publishers? Is there an actual scriptural basis for this, or is just another law made up by the Org? Why are some NOT asked to serve as unbaptized publishers before baptism?
What is the scriptural basis to deny baptism?
by MinisterAmos 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Who Really is the Faithful and Discreet Slave who is master appointed over his domestics - if the slave say no baptism, then no baptism. Covers everything scripture
Fat Greg
Thats an interesting question MinisterAmos. I had a knew a couple personally who petitioned to be baptized and were denied. one of them asked on three occasions and was denied each time, eventually he gave up and concluded that he wasn't "worthy of serving". I never thought about a scriptural basis for denying someone baptism... come to think of it, none of the multitudes of people being baptized by the apostles had any rigorous study program to go through, actually many were baptized right on the spot once they acknowledged Christ as their savior. Hmm... I wonder now if the elders are trained to detect if someone has the pliable qualities it takes to go along with what the WT teaches without questioning it. because both of the people I'm referring to were raised in this organization and apparently would know how to answer the questions.
BTW, what's to stop a person from going to a circuit assembly or district convention where no one knows them and just showing up dressed as a jw, with appropriate literature, towel/bathing attire?
Do they have a list at the door submitted by the elders in that circuit of those approved from each congregation to be baptized?
Blondie (baptized a long time ago and no one was there that knew me unless you believe in God and that he was there)
In the early church the interested persons were instructed for several years before getting baptised (and able to partake of the bread and wine) but as for the need to preach for a while that must be a JW rule since in the early church only some members had the preaching function.
To the WTS preaching seems to be a very profitable commercial activity since they get people to sell their products without receiving any wages. That's why they emphasise it so much and not in order to save lives this being the pretext to effect the deception.
One elder once told me of a guy that used to go to meetings off and on and studing just a little while with the Witnesses.
Come to find out, he showed up at an assembly in another circuit and went up and got baptized.
He told the BOE about it and they asked..
BOE: - "You didn't tell any of us you wanted to get baptized?"
Guy:- "No"
BOE:- "Did anyone go over the baptism questions with you?"
Guy:- "No but I accepted Christ"
BOE:- "You didn't come to us first then you aren't really baptized."
BTW I personally know 3 people who were held back from baptism
I was held back from baptism. For over 6 months.
My ex husband had not filed his taxes and that was the issue.
Fineally a brother heard about it from his wife and took care of it.
I had not thought about that for ages until this thread. It really was discouraging for me and I never fully recovered.
Before I got baptised I had already lost some zeal.
One of the reasons for the question is that I inquired of the Pres why we do not allow the convicts at our sister congrefation to be baptized until after they are released from prison. He was unable or unwilling to provide me with a scriptural basis, but did mention that it was to ensure that "they were not able to embarrass the congo by doing the filthy things that prisoners do". So the withholding of baptism is a protection for the congregation I guess? I failed to find CYA as a biblical precaution...
Nathan Natas
If a person wasn't "really" baptised, then they couldn't "really" be disfellowshipped, could they?