I've been sporadic with my meeting attendance lately.
I have actually been sick over the last couple of days. However he talks to me today and asks me am I forgetting about Jehovah. He also said that I know I need to be at the meetings and that i'm letting other stuff get in the way.
I understand that why he came at me today but here's the clincher.....
He is an active JW but he's on the "IRREGULAR" list.
He isn't very solid on his meeting attendance as well and goes door to door once every 3 or 4 months.
He's also a complete jerk. He alot of the times treats my mother like crap and my brother doesn't even respect him anymore. My mom says that he treats ME as if i'm a pawn of Satan when I was trying to really be active in the "truth".
He doesn't even read the bible much...in fact he is always asking ME..."am I able to do this according to the bible?", "can a Witness do this or that?"
The thing is, I could care less if he goes to meetings or not. In fact I want him out of the org since I want out.
It just frustrates me that he is so much on my case when he isn't doing the same things.
It's like he acts like all the dirt he does is cancelled out just because of going to the meetings. I really feel sorry for him in that I can partly blame some of it on the WTS and the implications that meeting attendance is a basis for salvation.
Just venting guys and gals...