JW dad on my case.

by R.F. 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.F.

    I've been sporadic with my meeting attendance lately.

    I have actually been sick over the last couple of days. However he talks to me today and asks me am I forgetting about Jehovah. He also said that I know I need to be at the meetings and that i'm letting other stuff get in the way.

    I understand that why he came at me today but here's the clincher.....

    He is an active JW but he's on the "IRREGULAR" list.

    He isn't very solid on his meeting attendance as well and goes door to door once every 3 or 4 months.

    He's also a complete jerk. He alot of the times treats my mother like crap and my brother doesn't even respect him anymore. My mom says that he treats ME as if i'm a pawn of Satan when I was trying to really be active in the "truth".

    He doesn't even read the bible much...in fact he is always asking ME..."am I able to do this according to the bible?", "can a Witness do this or that?"

    The thing is, I could care less if he goes to meetings or not. In fact I want him out of the org since I want out.

    It just frustrates me that he is so much on my case when he isn't doing the same things.

    It's like he acts like all the dirt he does is cancelled out just because of going to the meetings. I really feel sorry for him in that I can partly blame some of it on the WTS and the implications that meeting attendance is a basis for salvation.

    Just venting guys and gals...


  • purplesofa

    Awww, it's ok and typical.

    You never get any breathing room, and no one really cares what truely is going on inside you. It's very sad that meeting attendance is the measuring stick for spirituality and friendships with JW's.

    Let's go beat the fire out of that "brother"


  • blondie

    R.F., sounds like your father is verbally abusive and the WTS policies are a tool he uses. Does he talk similarly about other things you do or don't do in life? Think about it.

    Blondie (do as I say not as I do = Pharisee, or other Jewish religious leader)

  • blondie

    R.F., sounds like your father is verbally abusive and the WTS policies are a tool he uses. Does he talk similarly about other things you do or don't do in life? Think about it.

    Blondie (do as I say not as I do = Pharisee, or other Jewish religious leader)

  • neverendingjourney

    Hang in there. My dad is the same way. He's been baptized for almost as long as I've been alive and he became inactive a few months after his baptism. He's hardly at any meetings. I don't ever remember him going out door to door except for one day when an elder kept pushing him into it about ten years ago. Nobody in my family, except for my dad, asks me about my meeting attendance. They all realize that I'm fading away, but they don't want to push the issue with me. Don't ask, don't tell. My dad, however, calls me every now and then and hounds me about meeting attendance. I understand him in a way because he's just doing what he thinks is right for me. The funny thing is that he's never really been a part of the congregation. He takes what he likes out of the teachings and applies it in his own way.

    I imagine your dad probably sees things in the religion that he doesn't like. Why not try to use those things to help get him off of your back. Tell him that you haven't been going to the meetings because...then you insert whatever it is that bothers him about the religion. He might understand you, maybe even sympathize with you, and leave you alone. Just a thought.

  • purplesofa

    Oh, its your dad.

    misread the post.

    wow, sounds like he is nervous about the changes he is seeing in you lately.

    I'm really sorry for you, you have alot on your plate right now.

    vent away.


  • greendawn

    It's a strange case in that he is not zealous but wants you to be zealous in the cult. It's the way the cult uses social control to persuade its members, anyone falling back is pressured by other JWs to start again to go to meetings and preach the WTS gospel and to not supposedly forget jehovah. As if these two things are the criteria by which to judge whether one loves god.

  • free2think

    That sucks R.F. I know what it's like to have your dad on your case about dub stuff, but in my case he was a zealous leder. I really feel for you, the way he is actng is really hypocritical, he wants you to do as he says and not as he does. All i can say is hang in there, hopefully soon he'll see how warped his thinking is.


  • R.F.

    Here is the thing that is odd....

    When I first started working my way toward pioneering, he was DISCOURAGING it.

    He actually said that I go in field service "TOO MUCH"...no lie!!

    He might pick very petty things and make a big issue about it. For instance once I took him somewhere in my car and he said.."geez you need to clean this car out. You should know better, you're a Witness!!!" Yet you can't tell him he does anything wrong.

    My mom feels that he has alot of people in the Hall fooled, but few know how he really is.

    Neverendingjourney, our dads sound so similar it's scary. Just like you said, he uses WTS or sparingly uses bible principles to tell me what i'm not doing right but he far from applies them.

    My mom however understands that i've been through alot lately and doesn't push the issue.

    My parents are most of the reason I haven't DAed myself yet. After really thinking I KNOW my mom wouldn't shun me if I did. I was worrying about if my dad would shun me but as I have said before, sometimes I wouldn't mine him shunning me.

  • purplesofa

    He sounds like my Mom, do as I say, not as I do.

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