Father's Day is Coming...

by esw1966 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • esw1966

    I have been out for 2 years now. I have spoken once to my father who is a jw in that time. He said I would get a letter from him telling me where to 'straighten up', but it has never come. I have written him about 4 times and I get NO responses. I email my sister who is a jw as well with no comments either.

    So, I figure I am to keep 'peace' with all when it is in MY power. I figure I will not get too many chances to talk to my dad as he is nearing 70.

    So, I thought maybe I would try to call him this weekend and wish him a happy father's day and see where the call goes.

    What are your thoughts about such a call? Anything you would recommend to make the phone call go better? Do you think I should make the attempt? I'm thinking if I don't THEY never will and if I do it may get them thinking a little bit about their own conduct.

    I'm nervous about the call. I will feel bad if he rejects me. I understand, but it will hurt just the same.

    Any ideas????

  • UnConfused

    Won't breaking the ice with a holiday that he rejects just increase the chances that it will be a bad call? Saying to him "happy father's day" is going to bring out the worst in your situation, I would think

  • esw1966

    I was thinking of saying it as a bit of a joke.

    He celebrated Father's Day for about 9 years. I wonder if there may be some part in him that would want to hear that even if he has to say, 'yeah, whatever.'

    The guy will be dead one day soon. Doesn't he deserve to hear it? It isn't bad. I'm not WORSHIPPING him or nothing.

  • Hortensia

    why not call and say you were thinking of him, without mentioning any controversial topics?

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear esw1966:

    I am leaning toward what unconfused stated. Have you
    thought of just calling and saying "Hi, Dad I was
    thinking about you today and I just wanted to let
    you know how much I love you and care for you."


    The Wanderer

  • OnTheWayOut

    I would call before Saturday and just say, "I've missed you, how are you."
    I agree that there's no need to provoke this situation.

    Most JW's would love to be wished a happy Father'/Mother's Day
    but they have to act appalled. Why do it?

  • merfi

    I guess I'd do one of two things -- either just send a Father's Day card with maybe a personal note if you really want to sorta use the holiday, or call him and tell him you're thinking of him without mentioning the holiday.

    That's just my opinion, tho :)


  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear esw1966:

    When I was 11 years of age my father abandoned me. In January of
    1996, he was dying of cancer and I did not know it until the
    day BEFORE he died.

    I never got to say I love you and I never got to say goodbye.


    The Wanderer

  • esw1966
  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I never wished my dad a happy Father's Day and I still regret it a great deal.

    We were conditioned to think it was bad to tell a loved one, "Hey, I was thinking about you today, I love you" It is acceptable 364 days of the year, but on Father's Day, we are considered pagan.

    While we all wear bright diamond wedding rings. (Pagan symbol)

    Unfortunately, he will probably never speak to you unless he leaves or becomes gravely ill. Dialogue with you would jeopardize his salvation. Unfortunately, that is the sad reality of the situation.

    I would still do as suggested and attempt to contact him, just to say, "I love you Dad"

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