Welcome EPWRID.
Love your avatar btw.
by everyplanetwereachisdead 35 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome EPWRID.
Love your avatar btw.
Hi, EP Guy. What you gonna do when the green men show up?
Sorry to hear about your childhood social life. I hope it's improved. I suffered a similar fate, but it wasn't because of the Witnesses. My mom is a narcicisst. It was drilled in to us from when we were small that we were "different" than other children, "better", because she was a diligent mother who fed us fish oil for our brains.
Hi EP and welcome. My dad was the JW and mom was the non believer. Dad also became an elder. Meetings and field service were rarely missed. I also had to do talks on Thursday nights. I left it 33 years ago and I have been shunned ever since. No one will shun you here.
is your username from the Gorillaz?
Just saying HI!
I'm sorry they didn't accept you.
Hey, consider yourself a lucky one though because of never getting baptized. It's something that many of us regret.
See ya round!
Hi Guy! (every planet were ach is dead) interesting nic! very nice to have you here on JWD.
And that's a great album.
Welcome everyplanetwereachisdead.........I forgot what I was about to say now