The Watchower has printed this about marriage in the "New System"
w82 6/15 p. 15 par. 20 Singleness—Its Advantages and Opportunities **
*Some who survive into the new earth may enjoy the privileges of marriage, and like the children of Noah after the global flood, have opportunities to take part in the divine commission to ‘fill the earth.’ (Genesis 9:1) Such may be a blessing in addition to those already enjoyed by single Christians. In God’s new order he will ‘satisfy the desire of every living thing’ and give to all the ‘requests of their heart.’ So be assured that all will find full happiness in accord with God’s will at that time
"Let Your Kingdom Come" chap. 18 p. 178 par. 11 The Kingdom Triumphant! ***
Notice that there is embodied in that promise the grand prospect that "death will be no more." It is expected that millions will find salvation through the "great tribulation" to enter into the blessings of the "new earth." (Revelation 7:9, 14) Yet thousands of millions, billions, will ultimately enjoy life here under the Kingdom. Why do we say "billions"? After the flood of Noah’s day, Jehovah gave to the righteous survivors a mandate, saying: "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth." This suggests the joyful prospect of human marriage and the bringing forth of children inrighteousness for at least a time after Armageddon. (Genesis 9:1, 7; 10:1-32; Matthew 24:37) However, that will not be God’s principal way of ‘filling the earth’ with mankind at that time. How, then, will God populate our globe, thus accomplishing his original purpose? (Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 45:18) It will be by repeating, billions of times over, his great miracle of the resurrection.
Certainly, the dead ressurected have no marriage prospect according to dub teaching.
PS ..Why have my quote boxes gone haywire? please take it that the paragraph is a definate quote...